Learn About an Upcoming Book Signing for Sulphur Springs author Tracy R Kelley on This Episode of A Second Cup of Coffee

On this episode of KSST’s A Second Cup Of Coffee With John Mark Dempsey, John Mark sat down with new Christian author Tracy Kelley. Tracy shared her story and her relationship with God. She discussed with John Mark her inspiration for her first book, Living Loved: Learning to Live in the Fullness of God’s Love. Her book is available for preorder from some sellers and is due out in a couple of weeks. John Mark and Tracy Kelley go on to talk about her upcoming book signing event, being held at Sulphur Springs’s Deep Routes Coffee Shop, on August 3, 2024. Learn more about this Sulphur Springs author and her fist book in this segment. Check it out below.

Living Loved Learning to Live in the Fullness of Gods Love
Living Loved

Author: Matt Janson

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