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SSISD Raises Teacher Pay

July 19, 2024 – The Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees in special meeting on Thursday, July 18th, approving a 5% general pay increase, resulting in a $2,625 increase for all teachers and librarians … according to a post the district’s Facebook page by Superintendent Deana Steeber.

All employees that are not included on the teacher and librarian pay scale will receive a 2% raise based on the midpoint of the new pay scale.

Steeber says any employee whose salary does not fall above the minimum salary on the new pay scale, will receive a salary adjustment to reflect hiring schedule equity.
All self-contained special education teachers … for example life skills and behavior classroom teachers … will receive a $5,000 annual stipend.

Dual Language Teachers who have their Bilingual Certification and teach on the Spanish speaking side of the program will have their annual stipends increased from $5,000 to $10,000.

Steeber says: “The Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees and our Admin Team are committed to improving pay and benefits for our staff in conjunction with maintaining market competitiveness.”   

Author: Chad Young

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