A Message of Inspiration From the Author of Living Loved
Hey friends! Last week when the student ministry met on the square to have some ice cream and do some street ministry, we read in Luke 19 about Zacchaeus the tax collector. Read with me in Luke 19:1-10. As we can see in the reading Zacchaeus was not a very popular guy with the citizens as he was a tax collector. And we see that he was also short and because of that, he couldn’t see over the crowd so he climbed a tree to see Jesus. At that moment, Jesus calls him down by name and tell Zacchaeus that He would be going to his home. Zacchaeus took him to his house. All while everyone was mumbling about how Jesus was eating with a despised tax collector. Luke 19:8 says, “Meanwhile, Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said, “I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much!” Do you know what Jesus said? Luke 19:9-10, “Jesus responded, “Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown himself to be a true son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”
Friends, do we see that? Do we feel that? A few things here that just really hit my heart.
- Zacchaeus had heard about Jesus and he was curious! So he climbed the tree.
- Jesus was not worried about what society thought or knew about Zacchaeus.
- Zacchaeus realized his sins and he knew he needed Jesus.
- Zacchaeus made his wrongs right and sought forgiveness.
- Salvation came to Zacchaeus’ house that day!
So friends, we talked about where are we in this story? Are you curious about Jesus? Is He calling you by name today? Because he does! He calls us by name! Is He showing you people you need to seek forgiveness from? Have you realized your need for Jesus? Has salvation come to your home?
Friends, we are so very loved. Jesus came to make a way for us! He calls us by name! He never leaves us where He finds us and doesn’t care what everyone has to say about us! He doesn’t care what sins you’ve committed or your reputation! He calls us to himself and makes His home in our hearts! And He wants us to walk in that forgiveness and love that He has for us!! He doesn’t wait for us to be cleaned up before he loves us. He loves us right there in the tree of our curiosity; in the brokenness of our sin; and in the poverty of our hearts. But friends, you don’t have to stay there! Come out of the tree! Maybe you need to seek forgiveness from some people you’ve hurt! Go knowing God goes before you!! And friends, remember, You are so loved! Live loved! And live to love! And may salvation come to your house today!
Pray with me if you need Jesus.
Jesus I hear you call my name, I know I need salvation to come to my house today. I need forgiveness because I know I am a sinner. I know that you are the son of God who came to die my death for the forgiveness of my sins and you were buried and raised to life again to give me a new life! Come and be the Lord of my life! I receive your love today and I love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.
About the author
Tracy Kelley is a follower of Jesus, mother, grandmother, author and speaker, living in Sulphur Springs, TX. She is the author of the book Living Loved, Learning to Live in the Fullness of Gods Love, where she shares encouragement from her daily journey and how God has shown His love to her through various trials. You can buy her book, find events, book her for your event, and follow her by going to her Facebook page, where you will always be greeted as friend! You can purchase her book at Good News Book Store in Sulphur Springs, TX; online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and most other major retailers.