Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Max Ray Powers

Max Ray Powers could have been the name of an author, a superstar, or perhaps a super hero, but to those who knew him, he was a super husband, father, brother, son, uncle, and friend.

His life on earth spanned 86 years. He was born to Raymond Ray and Lily Powers on January 27, 1938. He was devoted to his family, and after graduating high school in Andrews, TX, he found the love of his life, Barbara, who he married in 1959 and began life as a father in 1960 with the birth of their first child, Lan Ray. Two more children were added to the family. Coty Max was born in 1963 and Lola Josha, in 1965. Max is survived by his wife, Barbara, and children.

Max was a Jack-of-all trades, always supporting and providing for his family through various jobs, including the founding of his own trucking business, Circle Trucking, in Midland, TX, where he impacted many lives and established uncounted friends.

Max loved to tinker and exhibited his creativity through restoration of vintage cars and later saddles as well as enjoying other leatherwork. His latest restoration magnum opus, an antique western doctor’s buggy, is pictured here.

Our super hero, Max Powers, was a cowboy at heart who rode off into the sunset around dawn on August 8, 2024.

Graveside services will be conducted at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, August 17, 2024 at Restlawn Memorial Park.

Max Ray Powers

Author: Chad Young

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