Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Dinner Bell for October 9, 2024

The doors to Fellowship Hall at First United Methodist Church will open at 11:00 a.m. Meal service begins at 11:30 a.m.  and doors will close at 12:45 p.m. Please come join us to share fellowship and a meal. 

Our gracious Community Partner Fine Christian Ladies, is a many-year supporter of the Dinner Bell Feeding Ministries.  The group is aware of food insufficiency in the area so it is a Community Partner several times yearly. 

We plan to continue inside dining every Wednesday with the exception of the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day.

Salad Plate: Chicken, Tuna, Pimento Cheese 


Frito Corn Salad 

Cherry Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cake

Take care of YOURSELF by following safe health practices as flu and COVID are lurking in our midst!  Wear masks where required! Wash your hands often! Get inoculated and boosted 


Author: Matt Janson

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