Sulphur Springs City Council Has Full Agenda for November Meeting

October 29, 2024 – The regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council will take place at City Hall Tuesday, November 5th with the public portion of the meeting starting at 7:00 pm. Council members and city staff will begin an executive session at 6:30 pm to consult with an attorney, to hold Negotiations about Real Property; and to hold Deliberations Regarding Economic Development: Thermo 2 known as Thermo 2. Executive session meetings are closed to the public.

The regular meeting agenda contains several ordinances for the council to consider including items for Discussion on authorizing submission of a Texas Community Development Block Grant program application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for the Community Development Fund, discussion and action on requesting a Speed Study and Traffic Signal Improvements along Highway 19 and Highway 154, discussion and action to approve expenditure for upgrade and conversion of election equipment and purchasing a ballot scanner for paper ballots, discussion and action on a motion to approve an amendment to the 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan to provide for the replacement of the water and sewer lines on Como Street, between Alabama Street and College Street, as part of the Alabama
Street Project, and more. The full agenda can be seen below.

Author: Chad Young

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