November 7, 2024 – Today the Annual Empty Bowls event at the Community Garden at 420 Park St in Sulphur Springs promises to deliver delicious food, and help for the community. Your donation of a bag of groceries will get you fed, and will help with food insecurity in Hopkins County. Buy a hand painted bowl and the proceeds will go to a local food bank.
A signature cocktail will be provided by the owners of The Oaks Bed and Breakfast in Sulphur Springs. Chef Lyndsay will be preparing a special dish. The main course will be pozole, made with some delicious smoked meats provided by Scott’s Smoked Meats.

Empty Bowls allows participating artists and groups to create and donate bowls, then serve a simple meal. In some communities, ceramic artists are joined by wood turners, glassblowers, fiber artists, metal smiths, painters, sculptors, and other artists and craftspeople. In most cases guests choose a bowl to use that day and to keep as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world. The artists often work in conjunction with local restaurants, groceries, and kitchens to provide a variety of foods for the attendees to sample.