Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Dinner Bell for December 25, 2024

DINNER BELL, First United Methodist Church 

The Angel of the Lord told the Shepherds living in the fields, “I am bringing you news of great joy for all the people. Un to you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. From Luke 2: 10-11. 

This Christmas message has been repeated for over two thousand years. May it bring joy, peace, and comfort to you  and your families.  

Merry Christmas from The Dinner Bell at the First United Methodist Church of Sulphur Springs, Texas. There will be no  meal service on December25, 2024.  

See you on January 8, 2025! 


We plan to continue inside dining every Wednesday with the exception of the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Christ mas and New Years Day. 

Take care of YOURSELF by following safe health practices as flu and COVID are lurking in our midst!  Wear masks where required! Wash your hands often! Get inoculated and boosted 


Author: Matt Janson

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