DINNER BELL, First United Methodist Church
Dinner Bell Sponsor Partner: John & Mary Heilman, JHH Investments
The doors to Fellowship Hall at First United Methodist Church will open at 11:00 a.m. Meal service begins at 11:30 a.m. and doors will close at 12:45 p.m. Please come join us to share fellowship and a meal.
On January 8, 2025, the Dinner Bell Feeding Ministry is beginning its Thirteenth Year of providing meals to those who are unable to adequately provide for themselves at mealtime. John & Mary Heilman, of JHH Investments, repeat (several times yearly) as the first Community Partner for 2025.
John moved to Sulphur Springs in 1973 after serving in the Marines in Viet Nam. He joined the police department and served until 1978. In his spare time he engaged in remodeling projects and Heilman Properties was established. Realizing the need for upgrading downtown properties, he started the Downtown Renovation Project in 2011. The Chamber of Commerce presented John with the Renewal Project Award for his efforts. The other businesses of which John is a partner are Bar H Concrete, M&W Feed and Village Pawn Shop.
Aware of the needs of children and families, John and Mary support not only the Dinner Bell, but the Hospital Gala, the Rotary Club and Blue Santa.
This first meal of 2025 is comprised of food items that are associated with “good luck”.
Ham (Progress / Prosperity) – pigs root forward when feeding
Fried Cabbage (Dollars) – the more the merrier
Black-eyed Peas (Pennies) – to jingle in our pockets
Creamy Grape Salad—12 eaten at midnight – good luck for each month of the year!
Cornbread Squares – (Gold) – a precious metal that enriches
Peach Cobbler Crisp (SWEET) – “poetic license” for a sweet year
HAPPY 2025!!!!
The Dinner Bell Ministry
First United Methodist Church
Take care of YOURSELF by following safe health practices as flu and COVID are lurking in our midst! Wear masks where required! Wash your hands often! Get inoculated and boosted
*We plan to continue inside dining every Wednesday with the exception of the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Christ mas and New Years Day.