Richland-Chambers Reservoir Returns to ShareLunker Stage
January 30, 2025 – ATHENS – Richland-Chambers Reservoir is back in the Toyota ShareLunker Legacy Class spotlight for the first time since 2008. Dylan Sorrells of Dallas reeled in 13.64-pound ShareLunker 671 Sunday afternoon, giving the waterbody its fifth overall Legacy Class fish. It’s the second Legacy Class fish for the 2025 Toyota ShareLunker collection season that includes ShareLunker 670 caught Jan. 2 at O.H. Ivie.
Prior to Sunday, Jeremy Bruton from Blooming Grove had been the most recent angler to haul in a Legacy Class ShareLunker from Richland Chambers. Bruton entered 13.05-pound ShareLunker 446 on March 9, 2008 just over nine years after Darrell Proffitt registered 13.89-pound ShareLunker 290 on March 7, 1999.
The other two Legacy Class fish were 13.56-pound ShareLunker 263 by Mark Menendez of Paducah, Kentucky on March 18, 1997 and 14.25-pound ShareLunker 221 courtesy of Brian Scott Arnold of Weatherford on April 22, 1995. Arnold’s fish still holds the waterbody record.
“It’s incredible to see Richland-Chambers back in the Legacy Class spotlight after more than 15 years,” said Natalie Goldstrohm, Toyota ShareLunker program coordinator. “Sorrells’ remarkable catch not only showcases the reservoir’s lunker bass potential but also highlights the impact of dedicated fisheries management and the commitment of anglers who contribute to the program.”
Sorrells has been fishing Richland-Chambers to get to know the lake better in preparation for an upcoming Texas High School Bass Association tournament. On Sunday, he decided to make another trip.
“I wanted to check a few things so I went to this main lake flat and was looking for brush piles or anything that could be around it,” said Sorrells. “I was trolling around on scope and just saw the fish sitting out there. There were some other big fish that should have been bass, but I saw this one and just threw at it. Initially, I didn’t think it was a bass but maybe a catfish. It stripped a bunch of drag, but when it came to the surface, I was like oh my, this is not a catfish this is a giant bass.”
Sorrells immediately told his friend to get the net so they could secure the fish in the boat. When the fish was finally aboard, he realized it was going to be over 12 pounds.
“When I put the fish on the scales and realized it was a ShareLunker, I called the program to let them know about the catch,” said Sorrells. “They were great, they let me know they were going to get the truck ready and within a couple of hours they were there. They did a great job and were super helpful as well.”
Sunday’s catch was a personal best for Sorrells and topped his previous record of nine pounds-eight ounces, caught on Lake Fork when he was eight years old.
“When I learned it was the first Legacy Class fish caught from Richland-Chambers since 2008, that’s what I thought was super cool,” said Sorrells. “I not only caught a ShareLunker, but I caught one out of a lake that hasn’t had a fish like that in a long time and that not many people would expect.”
During the first three months of the season (Jan. 1 through March 31), anglers who reel in a 13-plus pound bass can loan it to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the ShareLunker selective breeding and stocking program. These anglers can call the ShareLunker hotline at (903) 681-0550 to report their catch 24/7 through March 31, 2025.
Anglers must weigh their potential Legacy Class fish on a certified scale. A list of official weigh stations can be found on the ShareLunker Official Weigh and Holding Stations website.
Anglers that catch and loan a 13-plus pound lunkers earn Legacy Class status, receive a catch kit filled with merchandise, a 13lb+ Legacy decal for their vehicle or boat, VIP access to the Toyota ShareLunker Annual Awards event, a high-quality replica mount of their fish from Lake Fork Taxidermy, ShareLunker branded apparel provided by AFTCO, and Bass University will provide a swag pack and annual subscription. Anglers also receive entries into two separate drawings – a Legacy Class Drawing and the year-end Grand Prize Drawing. Both drawings will award the winner a $5,000 Bass Pro Shops shopping spree.
The year-round Toyota ShareLunker program offers anglers three additional levels of participation for catching bass over eight pounds or 24 inches in Texas public waters. Each of these levels provide vital data to TPWD fisheries biologists, helping them continue to create bigger, better bass in Texas.
Anglers who enter data for any lunker they catch greater than eight pounds or 24 inches also receive a catch kit, a decal for their vehicle or boat, a one-month subscription to Bass University and an entry into the year-end Grand Prize Drawing to win a $5,000 Bass Pro Shops shopping spree. ShareLunker entry classes include the Bass Pro Shops Lunker Class (8 lb.+), Strike King Elite Class (10 lb.+) and Lew’s Legend Class (13 lb.+).
Once a lunker is reeled in, anglers need to enter the catch data on the Toyota ShareLunker mobile app – available for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play – or at
In addition to providing basic catch information, anglers have the option to send a DNA scale sample from their lunker bass to TPWD researchers for genetic analysis. Anglers who contribute a sample to the program will receive a Lew’s baitcast reel valued at up to $200 while supplies last, with a limit of one reel per angler. Anglers who send in a genetic sample will also get a three-month subscription to Bass University. Instructions for submitting DNA samples are located on the Toyota ShareLunker website.
The Toyota ShareLunker Program is made possible in part by the generous sponsorship of Toyota. Toyota is a longtime supporter of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation and TPWD, providing major funding for a wide variety of fisheries, state parks and wildlife projects.
Additional vital program support comes from Legend class category prize sponsor Lew’s, Elite class category prize sponsor Strike King, Lunker class category prize sponsor Bass Pro Shops, AFTCO, Bass Forecast, Bass University and Lake Fork Taxidermy.