Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Chamber Connection – March 20, 2025

By Butch Burney

When spring rolls around, that means it’s time for the annual Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament, set for Friday, May 2, at Sulphur Springs Country Club.

Registration is open for six-person teams in the morning and afternoon, though there are only a few afternoon slots available.

Cost is $750 per team, which includes three golf courts and lunch for all team members. 

There are also sponsorship opportunities available for hole-in-one contests and interactive holes.

For more information or for registration, call the Chamber office at 903-885-6515 or email [email protected].

Mercado Mujer Popup

Beauty Grace Lifestyle Shop will host a street-wide women’s shopping day on Connally Street on Saturday, March 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be 18 vendors set up on the street, as well as shopping opportunities at Beauty Grace and other Connally Street shops.

There will be big 50 percent off shopping opportunities as well as La Dona food truck.

Marlene’s Sass and Class and KJ’s Boutique will also host a sidewalk sale on Main Street the same time, so come to downtown ready to shop.

Lunch and Learn

Go Farther, Faster with AI will be a Lunch and Learn hosted by Deep Routes Coffee and presented by Kendra Wallace on Wednesday, April 16, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Whether you are an AI pro or just getting started, attendees will learn how Artificial Intelligence can save you time and money, relieve stress, strengthen relationships and more.

The cost is $25 and includes lunch.

Spring Market on Main

The Spring Market is coming to Main Street in a few weeks.

The annual sidewalk sale and market vendors will set up on Saturday, April 12, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

There will be spring items inside and outside, food, décor, gifts and more.

The annual event is hosted by the Downtown Business Alliance.

Cocktails and Conversation

You don’t want to miss the next Cocktails and Conversation, an after-hours business mixer, hosted by Credit Union of Texas from 5-6 p.m. Thursday, April 3, at their downtown Sulphur Springs location. They will have refreshments and an opportunity to network with other business professionals.

You don’t have to be a Chamber member to attend the mixer.

Blue Blazes Carnival

The SSHS Blue Blazes will have a spring carnival at Buford Park from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 19.

Rowdy Goose Parties and More will be there with inflatables and mini golf as well as a silent auction, vendors, food trucks and more.

Window Decorating Contest

The Hopkins County Dairy Festival is hosting a Window Decorating Contest during the month of May. Businesses can decorate between May 1 and May25, but must register before the decorating window closes. Judging will be May 26-30, with winners announced on May 31. 

The theme for this year is Udder the Big Top (carnival theme).

For more information, contact Gena Prickette at 903-243-4534 or [email protected]

Heritage Park

Dutch Oven classes are right around the corner at Heritage Park.

It is April 12, from 8 a.m. to noon, $20 per person. You will learn how to prepare the food, cook it, and of course EAT it.

For more information or registration, contact Rick Wilson at 903-335-2752.

City Clean Up

The City of Sulphur Springs will open its dump facility the week of April 28-May 3 for the annual city wide clean up. The facility is ½ mile east of the traffic stop at Jefferson Street and Loop 301. Residents need a valid driver’s license or water bill to verify they live in the city limits.

Miller Grove Stew and Auction

The annual Miller Grove FFA stew and Auction is set for Thursday, April 3, at the school. The stew will start at 6 p.m., with the auction to follow.

Easter Egg Hunt

Sulphur Springs Health and Rehab will host an Easter Egg Hunt for all interested children at 2 p.m. on Friday, April 18, at their facility on Airport Road.

UPRA Spring Rodeo

The Hopkins County Rodeo Association is hosting the 45th UPRA Spring Rodeo on April 18-19 at the Hopkins County Civic Center. For sponsorship opportunities, contact Oscar Aguilar at 903-243-0446 or [email protected].

Ribbon Cuttings

HTeaO will host a ribbon cutting at their facility at 1065 Gilmer Street at noon on Friday, March 28. Please join us for this event.

Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce logo Sulphur Springs Texas

Author: Matt Janson

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