DINNER BELL, First United Methodist Church
SPONSOR: Money Law and Title Catocon, Inc.
The doors to Fellowship Hall at First United Methodist Church will open at 11:00 a.m. Meal service begins at 11:30 a.m. and doors will close at 12:45 p.m. Please come join us to share fellowship and a meal.
Money Law and Title relocated its Sulphur Springs office to the spacious red brick building on the Southeast corner of the downtown square and Oak Avenue.
Real estate transactions and closings require legal expertise and Money Law opened in 2013 with the title fee office open ing in 2016; and, in 2022 the law and title companies became one agency known as Money Law and Title.
They also have offices located in Greenville, Sulphur Springs, Terrell, Emory, Prosper and Sherman, Texas to serve the needs of the people of the North and Eastern areas of the state.
We Welcome Back the second partner for March 26th: Catocon, Inc., owned by Jarred and Amanda Pickett. They were a partner several years ago. Catocon is a highway maintenance contractor for the state of Texas. The company started in July 1998 and provides maintenance for over 30 counties across the state.
We plan to continue inside dining every Wednesday with the exception of the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day.
- King Ranch Chicken
- Seasoned Pinto Beans
- Salad
- Sopapilla Cheesecake
The Dinner Bell Ministry
First United Methodist Church
Take care of YOURSELF by following safe health practices as flu and COVID are lurking in our midst! Wear masks where required! Wash your hands often! Get inoculated and boosted