Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Distracted Driver Program

March 25, 2025 – Sulphur Springs, TX – Members of the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation Board of Directors were treated to a preview of the new distracted driving prevention class, also known as PARTY, offered by the Hopkins County Hospital District/EMS.  Kelly Stonaker, B-shift supervisor for EMS and an emergency room nurse, designed the program and will present it to area high schools, home school students, church youth, civic clubs, and any other groups interested in seeing the program.

Stonaker made a request to the Foundation for funding the program in 2022.  Part of the proceeds from the 2023 Gala went to help purchase the necessary equipment for the program.  In addition, generous donations were received from CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Health System’s Annual Grant Program, local residents Candy and Jimmy Jones, and Galyean Insurance. 

Stonaker developed an impactful video that shows actual accident scenes from the area.  After showing the video, Stonaker then leads a discussion of how distracted driving impacts not only those involved but also their family and friends.

Stonaker has offered similar programs in her 32-year career.  She told a story about seeing a student a few weeks after sharing the program in Sulphur Springs many years ago.  The young man recognized her and shared what an impact the program had had on him and his friends.  In what Stonaker characterized as “the best compliment she ever had,” she said the student told her that after participating in her presentation, he and his friends cancelled the pasture party they had planned for the following weekend.

The Foundation board members had several questions about the program such as the impact of seeing actual crash sites vs. other options, how long it took to collect the photos, how many school districts had scheduled the free program, etc.  

The end of the presentation allowed the board members to put on drunk goggles and drive a pedal cart through a set of cones.  The group also tested out drowsy goggles that Stonaker can control from an app on her phone.  

Stonaker is hoping to offer the program each spring to area schools before prom.  She expressed that if the program only saves one life it will be well worth the effort.

Those interested in scheduling the program with Stonaker may email her at [email protected]

For more information about the Foundation, please contact the office at 903-438-4799.


Author: Matt Janson

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