Top Ten Unexpected Benefits of Gardening From Master Gardener David Wall

March 2, 2025 – Every once in a while, a gardening article is published that is so good, it’s better to just print the article, giving credit where credit is due.  So, with a couple extra items at the end, here are some unexpected benefits of gardening written by Steven Chamblee

1. Discovering first-hand how Mother Nature operates … the good, the bad, and the painful.  2. The indescribable feeling of actually being a part of Mother Earth, not apart from her.  3. A true understanding that “Input = Output” … most of the time.  4.  That irrational, illogical, ridiculous giddiness you get the first time your Epiphyllum blooms … will return every single time it flowers, for the rest of your life.  5. Realizing that the little cutting your grandmother gave you before she passed is probably the most precious thing you will ever possess.

6. Understanding that the only real way to keep your grandmother’s cutting is to give it away.   7. Learning that failure is a teacher, not an enemy. Same goes for success. 8. It finally dawns on you that by helping others, you actually help yourself as well.  9. Truly comprehending that this little blue dot is the only place within a billion light years to grow tomatoes. Tread lightly.  It doesn’t get any better than sharing your love of gardening with a youngster.  10. Witnessing a child experiencing any or all of the above.

Do your cucumbers ever start curving instead of growing straight?  You’re either watering too much or (more likely) too little!  Stop additional curving by watering the correct amount. Unfortunately, whatever curvature is already there will remain.

Regarding gardening requirements for soil water, temperature, and sunlight, soil is the most important. Get a garden soil test to find out how to best improve the soil.

Author: Matt Janson

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