Blue Blazes Drill Team Preparing For Football Season Performances
The 58th line of the Blue Blazes Drill Team of Sulphur Springs High School is working to get ready for this fall’s football game performances. Christie McCullough is beginning her 14th year as Blue Blazes director.
Ms. McCullough said the Blazes attended their annual camp the week of July 28-August 2. She said the Blazes are in their second week of practices at high school.
There are 36 Blue Blazes this year and about half of them are brand new. There are five Blazes officers led by Captain Allie Owens. Ms. McCullough said she is excited by the leadership her officers bring to the dancers. She said she couldn’t ask for a better start to this year.
Ms. McCullough said the Blazes will be doing a hoop routine for the first football game at home and for the second game on the road. She said the Blazes learned the routine during camp, adding it’s performed to jazzy music.
Ms. McCullough said the Blaze Buddies Program would be gearing up soon. She said there were about 120 Blaze Buddies last year. Some of those Buddies have carried their interest in the Blazes into Middle School.
The Blazes will also raise funds by printing Homecoming shirts.
The big Spring Show is again on the calendar capping off another big year for the Blue Blazes.