Sulphur Springs Independent School District Board of Trustees during their regular meeting this week approved 11 staff changes in readiness for the new school year, which begins on Aug. 20. The trustees also approved teacher appraisers and appraisal calendars.
One new teacher was hired, 1 aide resigned, one aide was reassigned and the rest were new support staff.
LaToya Hood’s resignation as a special education aide at high school was accepted. Hired as special education aides at high school were Yolanda Morales Hall, Teri Morton, Jordyn Pennington, Jonas Satterfield and Kami Satterfield.
Approved to join the middle school faculty as a sixth grade math teacher was Sarah Giles.
Karina Perez will be switching jobs, going from Title I aide to academic secretary at Travis Primary. Three others were approved to become academic secretaries at the other primary campuses. Ashley Crump will be the academic secretary at Barbara Bush Primary, DeKesha Nash at Bowie Primary and Lisa Barclay at Lamar Primary.
The SSISD trustees also approved as recommended by Assistant Superintendent Josh Williams. Teachers are to be appraised on performance annually, unless the teacher qualifies for three-year in-class appraisals. Their supervisor or an approved appraiser will evaluate the teacher’s performance according to the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System over a 45 minute or more lesson during the approved appraisal period.
All SSISD teachers employed by SSISD during the 2016-17 school year were required to attend an orientation during which they were guided through the self-assessment and goal setting process of T-TESS. Starting in the 2017-18 school year, new teachers must attend the orientation, held within the first three weeks of school, per policy. Most will receive this during the new teacher orientation, held prior to staff development conducted prior to the first class day.
The completed and appraiser approved goal setting and professional development plan must be submitted by the new teacher to the appraiser within the first six weeks of completing the T-TESS orientation.
Appraisals may be conducted Sept. 9-April 29, with the exception of Nov. 22, Jan. 8-10, Dec. 2, Dec. 20, March 6 and March 17 due to testing scheduling. End of year conferences must be concluded no later than April 30.
Approved teacher appraisers are listed below by campus.
- Administration: Rusty Harden, Susan Johnston, Kristin Monk and Josh Williams.
- Sulphur Springs High School: Vanessa Abron, Jenny Arledge, Steve Carter, Derek Driver, Amy Jumper and Jarret Wilson.
- Sulphur Springs Middle School: Rachel Draper, Jeremy Scroggins, Jena Williams.
- Sulphur Springs Elementary: Holly Folmar, Sandy Stidham and Sasha Posey.
- Barbara Bush Primary: Ashanta Alexander and Rhonda Orren.
- Bowie Primary: Amanda Fenton and Joanna Foster.
- Lamar Primary: Rowena Johnson and Chandra Crawford.
- Travis Primary: Michelle Wallace and Ana Ramirez.
- Douglass ECLC: Angela Edwards and Sherry Sinclair.
- Austin Academic Center: Julie Ashmore and Shawn Sinclair.