Wildcat Band Director Spencer Emmert calls this month Bandtober. During this month, the band will perform at four Friday night football games and then head to contests. Their first contest takes place Saturday (October 5) at Mesquite Memorial Stadium, also the site for this year’s Area contest. Emmert says the Wildcats will take the field at 4:30 p.m. Saturday. He says the band has worked all this school year for these next four weeks. Saturday’s contest is a one performance one with no finals. Emmert says band members are working on their stamina so they can perform their 7 ½ minute show, which he describes as action packed, challenging, intense and demanding. Those who have seen the show at halftime may notice some change in the future. Props for the show, about Columbus’ discovery of the New World, will be redone to look more like the inside of a sailing ship. Emmert encourages followers of the band to come to the band’s contests. He says the band loves to perform before the fans. The unusual aspect of a contest is the eerie quiet that takes place during a band’s performance. Quite different from the raucous atmosphere at a football stadium. The Wildcats will have their UIL Contest on October 15 in Mount Pleasant. With high scores, the Wildcat Band can qualify for Area competition, back at Mesquite Memorial. State bids will be on the line there.