Hopkins County Commissioners Court during their regular session Monday approved a plat request and agreed to take add two roads to the county road inventory.
The court was asked at their Jan. 13 meeting to consider approving a plat request to separate two lots in Together Good Deeds II Addition to sell. County Clerk Tracy Smith told the court the land in question is located in Cumby and had received approval from the City of Cumby to provide sewer and water services.
Precinct 4 Commissioner Joe Price at the Jan. 13 meeting said he hadn’t viewed the property and asked that the request be tabled until he could check it out.
At the Jan. 27 Commissioners Court session, Price said he was able to look at the property last week and affirmed it meets county requirements: it has water and sewer. He made the motion to accept the plat for Together Good Deeds II Addition. Precinct 2 Commissioner Greg Anglin seconded the motion, which then receive the unanimous approval of the Commissioners Court.
The Commissioners Court also were asked at the Jan. 27 meeting to consider taking in Private Roads 4822 and 4823 in Precinct 4 into the county road inventory.
Price said he’d been out to look at the roads and had worked with Steve Hudson and his team to ensure some needed changes were made to a turnaround in the cul-de-sac area of the Rock Creek Subdivision. He said based on those changes, he’s ready to accept the proposed private roads into the county inventory to become County Roads 4822 and 4823.
“I have 2,475 foot of roads we’re taking in,” Price said.
That motion by Price, seconded by Precinct 1 Commissioner Mickey Barker, also received the unanimous approval of the Commissioners Court.