Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Spring Clean Up Days For Sulphur Springs Announced

Those who need to to get rid of household items too big for regular trash collection will want to make mark April 13-18 on their calendars.

The City of Sulphur Springs Thursday morning announced Monday-Saturday, April 13-18, as Spring Clean Up Week for city residents. Hours will be 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The clean up is typically conducted 1/4-mile east of Flowserve.

A few guidelines have been established over the years so that Sulphur Springs residents will know what is and isn’t acceptable before they arrive.

Appliances are typically accepted, provided they do not have refrigerant. Those that do must provide documentation that the item has been inspected and refrigerant has been removed.

Paint, batteries, tires or other household hazardous wastes are also on the usual list of things that are not accepted.

City of Sulphur Springs

Author: KSST Contributor

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