Wildcats Athletic Director and Head Football Coach Greg Owens gave a health update Friday (June 19) after the first two weeks of The Edge conditioning program. He says he knows of no positive tests for the coronavirus for participants of The Edge. Coach Owens says he and SSHS Head Athletic Trainer Tammy Carrell are working with Assistant Superintendent Josh Williams, who is overseeing the safety effort. Coach Owens is telling students to be honest about how they feel. He says he tells them if they do not feel well, they should not show up but he says they should call and let him know. Coach Owens says a couple of athletes have had a fever but he says it turned to be caused by something other than COVID-19. He adds a couple of others felt they had the virus but he says their tests turned out to be negative. Coach Owens says the kids are understanding and are doing what they are being asked to do. He says some high schools around the state have shut down after some positive cases. He says he does not want to shut down but he says they will if circumstances change. Coach Owens says they are working to be smart and he adds that students’ safety is his number one concern. He says maintaining distancing continues to be a challenge. Still he says there are no huddling or chest bumps going on. They are using cones to attempt to keep players 10 feet apart.
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