Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

CANHelp Back to School Fair Traffic Map

Parents/Guardians should have received emails on Tuesday evening if they registered their child/children for backpacks and school supplies from CANHelp’s 2020 Hopkins County Back to School Fair. Just a reminder that the pickup date is Friday, August 7th, 2020 from 3pm-6pm at the Sulphur Springs Middle School located at 835 Wildcat Way. Below are a few details that everyone will need to know:

  • You will enter the event from CR 1103 as shown above in the traffic map.
  • Signs and people will be posted to guide you.
  • It is a DRIVE THRU event. You will stay inside your vehicle at all times.
  • Please DO NOT line up before 3pm. You may be turned back if you do.
  • You must have preregistered to attend and receive backpacks/school supplies.
  • Please bring your identification.
  • Each car will also receive a family bag of community resource information, free sno-cone coupons from The Pink Stand, goodies, and other fun stuff!

The fair will have a small number of vendors handing out items as well as drinks provided by Starbucks. If parents/guardians (or someone they have previously designated) are not able to attend to pick up the child/children’s backpacks and supplies, please let CANHelp know prior to Friday.

Due to COVID-19, CANHelp is taking the necessary precautions for our staff, volunteers, and exhibitors. Everyone will be wearing masks and some will be wearing gloves. Thank you for understanding and working with us to keep everyone safe. While CANHelp is not able to provide a  full-scale event as in year’s past, they are happy to still be able to provide the students with the necessary supplies to start school thanks to the generous sponsors throughout our communities as well as The Supply Kit.

If a parent did not receive their email, CANHelp suggests checking your spam or junk folder. If you have any questions, please email CANHelp at [email protected] or call 903-885-9797 ext. 3.

CANHelp also suggests avoiding Wildcat Way in you do not have to travel in that direction in case of very heavy traffic.

Looking forward to an amazing event!

Author: KSST Webmaster

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