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Tira News: Annette Loper Shares Inspiring Story Of Compassion and Generosity

By Jan Vaughn

We want to express our sympathy to the family of Randall Wright. He passed away on Sept. 18 and a memorial visitation is being held on Friday, Sept. 25 at Murray-Orwosky Funeral Home from 12 to 2 p.m. Please be in prayer for his mother, Janie (Shaw) Lewis, and all of his family.

Tira sign

At the quarterly Tira City Council meeting, the group discussed routine business – Community Center upkeep, Tira Food Pantry, etc. Jan Vaughn, City Secretary, reported that Evelyn Horn, Tami Joslin, and Yvonne Weir are unopposed for their council positions. Joyce Dodd shared that we have some “awesome” contributors to the Pantry. We want to express our gratitude for all who help with this. Donations of food or money for the cause are always welcome and appreciated.

The Council voted to keep the Community Center closed except for families at the time of a funeral or emergency and to have the Center cleaned and disinfected after each use. The annual Christmas party, which is scheduled for the first Saturday evening in December, was discussed, in the hopes that we will be able to have it at that point.

Volunteer firefighters Tony Macy and Shawn Martin provided a very informative report on their calendar of activities the and needs for the department. Allen Joslin shared that Tully Insurance Agency in Sulphur Springs is sponsoring a fundraiser for the Hopkins County volunteer fire departments. You can contribute on their website or at their business location.

Yvonne Weir spent Friday in Rowlett with her granddaughter, Everly. On Friday night she visited Regina Taylor and spent the night. Yvonne reported that they “attended a great meeting at Cottonwood Creek Church on Saturday.”

Annette Loper shared an inspiring story of compassion and generosity. While in Tyler for an eye appointment, she and Tim went to Sam’s and picked up quite a load of items. When they went to check out, they discovered that their debit card had a transaction limit on it and they had to set some of the items aside.

Annette reports, “There were two black ladies behind us and a black man behind them and when we went to the back of the line one of the ladies came over to me and said, ‘Ma’am I would like to purchase that food for you!’ I told her there was no need for her to do that, we would just get them tomorrow and she said, ‘okay’. The man behind her looked at me and said, ‘She is going to do it anyway!’ I looked up and the cashier was scanning the food items we had put back.”

Annette thanked her and asked if she could hug her and said “God bless you!” The woman shared that He already had when she had COVID-19 and was on a ventilator and she felt God pulling her through. Annette commented about some of her own struggles and they hugged each other again.

Annette said, “I told her we serve an awesome God. I will always remember her and her thoughtfulness. She was paying it forward and was so sincere. I feel that God puts people in our paths for a reason and I just wanted to share my story since there is so much hatred and racism stuff going on that people should know it doesn’t have to be that way. God bless her and keep her safe and well. God bless and heal this nation, put peace and love in everyone’s hearts.”

I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-438-6688 or [email protected]

Tira Community Center

Author: KSST Contributor

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