Get ready for some fun while staying safe and social distancing! The annual Symphony League Auction is the best way to shop-from-home and help a good local cause. It’s also a traditional way to kick off the holiday season!
For 29 years, the Sulphur Springs Symphony League has offered unique, quality items in a fun bid-to-own style while raising funds for symphony concerts through the year. For each concert project, professional musicians are hired to perform classical symphony music. The annual Children’s Concerts offer grade-school-age youngsters exposure to this form of the arts with performances tailored to their grade and appreciation level. And each summer for nearly 30 years, the Independence Concert has elevated patriotism for all ages who attend the red, white and blue flag-waving event in the heart of our town, on Celebration Plaza downtown Sulphur Springs. It is for continuation of these gifts to the community that money is raised through the Auction. Be sure and participate! Get ready to place your bids by phone to 903-885-0700 on Saturday November 21, 2020 from 6-8pm. And watch the Auction on Suddenlink Cable Channel 18, streaming on ksstradio.com and on the KSST YouTube page. Or listen to the Auction live on KSST Radio 1230AM, 6-8pm! As a preview, Auction items are pictured in a slideshow on ksstradio.com.