Texas Department of State Health Services Jan. 30 COVID-19 dashboards show COVID-19 hospitalizations continue to decline both in Trauma Service Area F and across the state. While there continue to be new COVID-19 cases, recoveries and the number of people vaccinated in Hopkins County continue to rise daily this week as well.
Jan. 30 COVID-19 Case Counts
A dozen additional COVID-19 cases were reported for Hopkins County on Friday, increasing the number of county residents who have had been reported to have COVID-19 cases to 7.11 percent, according to data in the DSHS Jan. 30 COVID-19 Case Counts dashboard.
Nine additional Hopkins County residents had received positive lab-confirmed molecular COVID-19 results on Friday, increasing the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases this week to 30, and this month to 153. Cumulatively since March 2020, 153 Hopkins County residents have been confirmed by molecular test to have COVID-19, which is 3.69 percent of the Hopkins County population.
Three additional probable COVID-19 cases were reported for Hopkins County on Friday, two new cases and one older probable case just reported to DSHS by a lab, according to the DSHS Jan. 30 COVID-19 Case Counts dashboard. A total of 31 probable cases have been reported this week and 157 this month. Cumulatively, since the state began tracking the data a few months ago and reporting it daily on Dec. 11, a total of 1,270 probable cases have been recorded for County; that’s another 3.42 percent of the county population.
Four additional Hopkins County residents were reported to have recovered from COVID-19, increasing the total this week to 67 recoveries, and this month to 357. Cumulatively, 2,410 of the 2,638 Hopkins County residents who have had COVID-19 have recovered.
No additional COVID-19 fatalities were attributed to Hopkins County on Saturday, so the total stands at 93 Hopkins County COVID-19 deaths, according to the DSHS Jan. 30 COVID-19 Case Counts dashboard.
Factoring in the 12 new cases and four new recoveries, that leaves 135 Hopkins County residents who still had COVID-19 on Saturday, according to the DSHS Jan. 30 COVID-19 Cas Counts Dashboard.
Jan. 29 Hospital Reports
COVID-19 hospitalizations across Trauma Service Area F continued to decline Saturday, down from 177 on Sunday to 167 on Monday and Tuesday, 158 on Thursday and 142 lab-confirmed COVID-19 patients in TS-F hospitals on Friday. That’s the least number of COVID patients reported in TSA-F since mid December, when the case count went from 138 patients on Dec. 18 to to 148 patients on Dec. 19.
The overall hospital capacity rose from 1,073 to 1,100 total staffed hospital beds and from 981 to 1,008 staffed in patient beds in TSA-F, with hospitalizations declining from 620 to 608.
The drop in COVID-19 hospitalizations and increased capacity meant a nearly 2 percent drop in amount of total hospital capacity COVID-19 hospitalizations make up, according to the DSHS Jan. 30 COVID-19 Test and Hospital Data dashboard. In fact, that’s makes three of the last seven days and two consecutive days in which COVID-19 hospitalizations dropped below the 15 percent threshold established by Governor Greg Abbott in GA-32 in October denoting high hospitalizations: 14.81 percent Saturday, Jan. 23; 14.73 percent Thursday, Jan. 28; and 12.91 percent Friday, Jan. 29. Friday was the first time since Jan. 18 that the COVID-19 percent of hospital capacity has been below 13 percent; it was 12.75 percent on Dec. 18.
TSA-F has been subject to GA-32 restrictions on business capacity and elective surgeries since Jan. 2. If TSA-F remains below 15 percent for five more days, the restrictions will be lifted, allowing businesses that had previously to once again reopen at 75 percent capacity and lifting the stay on elective surgeries as well.
In Trauma Service Area F 1/23 1/24 1/25 1/26 1/27 1/28 1/29 Total Staffed Hospital Beds 1,087 1082 1096 1068 1068 1073 1100 Available Hospital Beds 411 387 392 346 351 361 400 Available ICU Beds 12 16 30 22 24 15 26 Available Ventilators 79 78 76 75 78 82 81 Lab-Confirmed COVID-19 Patients in Hospitals 161 177 167 167 168 158 142 Total Hospitalizations 584 603 612 630 625 620 608 Total Staffed Hospital Beds 995 990 1004 976 976 981 1008 Percent Capacity 14.81 16.36 15.24 15.64 15.73 14.73 12.91
Jan. 29 COVID-19 Vaccines
Fifty-three additional COVID-19 vaccines were administered on Friday, increasing the total number of people receiving vaccines to 2,093.
Cumulatively, over the first 7 weeks the vaccine has been made available in Texas, a total of 1,771 people in Hopkins County had received the first dose of the vaccine as of 11:59 p.m. Jan. 29, according to the DSHS Jan. 30 COVID-19 Vaccine Data dashboard. That means 32 additional people received the first dose of the vaccine as of Friday.
Another 27 people in Hopkins County received the second dose of the vaccine on Friday, increasing the total of fully vaccinated individuals to 3222.
The Jan. 30 COVID-19 Vaccine Data dashboard also shows that more females than males have received doses of the vaccine, 1,291 females and 795 males. Data for five individuals was unknown. More people ages 65-79 had received the first dose of the vaccine while more people ages 16-49 had been fully vaccinated, 708 to 129, according to the DSHS Jan. 30 COVID-19 Vaccine Data dashboard.
According to the list posted Friday afternoon by DSHS, Hopkins County has not been allocated any additional doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to offer it to more people, only those required doses to complete the second dose of the vaccine. The week of Feb. 1 will be the second consecutive week Hopkins County has been left off of the COVID-19 vaccine allocation list.
People can find more information on COVID-19 vaccine at dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/immunize/vaccine.aspx or the Texas Vaccine Data dashboard.
Click here a full list of vaccine allocations for the week of Feb. 1.
For a list of vaccination hub provider and their contact information, click the link above.
Click this link to see the DSHS/Texas Department of Emergency Management map of vaccine providers.
Jan. 29 COVID-19 Testing
At least 17,550 COVID0-19 tests have been conducted in Hopkin County as of Friday night, including 137 tests conducted on Friday. That number includes 14,011 molecular tests, 95 of which were conducted on Friday, and 1,770 antigen tests, 44 of which were conducted Friday.
Free oral swab COVID-19 testing has been extended into February. Testing is typically ffered from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays inside the Red Cross (old Fidelity Express Building) in Sulphur Springs.
Free testing at is open to anyone regardless of age or address. Registration is required online at www.GoGetTested.com in order to be tested at 128-A Jefferson Street in Sulphur Springs.