All Roads Are Slick With Snow Covering Icy Surfaces; Motorists Cautioned Against Travel, Urged To Stay Home If At All Possible
Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell just before noon Sunday issued a plea urging motorists who are able to please remain at home off the roads. The sanding machine which the city uses to spread a mixture on intersections and streets to make them passable during ice and snow has broken, irreparably. This what helped make the main roads through town passable on Thursday. City crews will now not be able to treat those intersections and roads. That means thanks to the ice that froze and snow that has fallen on them overnight and continues to fall lightly are slippery and dangerous.

Already city officials have worked a number of calls due to motorists venturing out on the icy roads Sunday. The city’s inability to treat the roads will mean limited response by emergency officials in being able to safely reach those vehicles that do go off the slick city roads as quickly. Thus, the city manager is urging people to please if at all possible, remain at home safe and off the roads.
Sulphur Springs Police had responded to reports of a couple of cars in the ditch and an 18-wheeler jackknifed at Bill Bradford Road due to the weather. While most intersections were somewhat passable at noon, and the slow lane on Interstate 30 was reported to have tracks through it allowing for some slow moving traffic, conditions are expected to worsen as additional wintry weather persists. They too urge those who can to remain at home. Those who cannot avoid being out to drive very slow and don’t slam on their brakes as that can cause the car to slide out of control on the slick roads.
While Texas Department of Transportation has been out for hours treating bridges, overpasses and major roadways with a mixture to help provide a bit more traction, county emergency responders report the roads and highways throughout Hopkins County are still very slippery. Since about 7 a.m., county rews have been responding to calls, trying to safely reach motorists who tried to navigate the interstate. While the road may appear to be safe due to the thin layer of powdery snow on top, they are icy underneath, where water froze on the road overnight. They have responded to reports of multiple vehicles in ditches as well as jackknifed 18-wheelers.
Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office and Fire Department has every available officer out and noted that while no major roads were officially closed at 12:30 Feb. 14, motorists are urged to please stay home. Traffic on Interstate 30 through Hopkins County is not closed but is very slow moving and especially slick from the 113 mile marker westward. Officials report nobody needs to be out unless absolutely necessary due to the road conditions.
Those who cannot avoid traveling are encouraged to put an extra blanket, flashlight, food, and water in their vehicle just in case they become stranded. Road conditions for Texas can be found at