The Aiguier Cemetery Association held their annual meeting on Sunday, June 6, 2021, in the North Hopkins School Cafeteria.
A small group gathered for a covered-dish lunch, followed by a business meeting led by Charlie Vaughn, president. The group approved the minutes and financial reports, as presented by Jan Vaughn and Peggy Beck, and discussed upkeep of the cemetery grounds.
The same officers were elected to another term. They are Charlie Vaughn, president; Betty Weir, vice president; Peggy Beck, treasurer; and Jan Vaughn, secretary/reporter.
Since the association didn’t meet in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, two groups of the Perpetual Care Board Members were reelected. Those members are Nancy Potts, Charlie Vaughn, and Betty Weir – 2020, and Robert Aiguier, Peggy Beck, and Chip Vaughn – 2021.
Those in attendance were Charlie and Susan Vaughn, Jimmy and Peggy Beck, Charlie and Paula Dickey, Betty Weir, Pete Martin, Grace Vaughn, Linda Ellen Vaughn, Sanford and Abbygale Shell, Jana Rich, Rachel Davidson, Peggy Brice, Sherri Smith, and Chip and Jan Vaughn.
The next meeting will be on June 5, 2022.
— Submitted by Jan Vaughn