Sulphur Springs ISD Fine Arts students over the next two weeks will provide holiday cheers as the program launches its annual Sights And Sounds of the Season tour across district campuses, including a number of night performances so they can share holiday cheer with the community as well.
Some, like the Jazz Band, started their season early with a concert during Heritage in the Park. Students also performed during the 15th Annual Lions Club Lighted Christmas Parade. And, the Wildcat Jazz Band will play next in the lobby of Alliance Bank – be there at 11 a.m. Dec. 7 to hear some holiday jazz tunes from our local students.
The schedule of upcoming Sights and Sounds of the Season programs, released by Sulphur Springs ISD Fine Arts Coordinator Cindy Welch, and additional programs provided by SSISD instructors are shown below. (For a full schedule of performances by the Jazz bands, click here.)