Brashear News 07/23/2014 by Debbie Young

youngSummer heat has arrived. I am so glad it hasn’t reached 100 maybe one time so far. Take it easy because heat stroke can creep up on you real quick. Out for a little run this morning, and just FYI, the morning are awesome. Nice and cool.

Brashear is growing, specifically here on CR 1119. Don and Betty Beard are here and loving our small town. He has met Amanda at the Ole Store. She was very helpful in assisting him in finding the personnel he needs to complete his house. He needs a person who does sheet rocking so if you know of anyone send him to Brashear.

I want to thank everyone who has called and emailed me with information. I need all of the help I can get to write this column. This week the column will also appear on the KSST web page. So if you know of someone who does not take the paper have them check out their web page.

I got to experience SS Volleyball camp yesterday with my granddaughter. The gym really looks good. It is hard to believe that I have been retired now for 9 years. Time sure flies when you are having fun.

Mr. McDonald seems to have had a great time with the 4H’ers that went to Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I know we have several in our small town that went so look them up and see how the trip went for them. It was quite an experience and I know they appreciated all of the help and assistance it took to get there. Also, I want to express my thanks to all who work with these young people for making it possible.

My sympathies go out to Johanna Hicks and her family on the loss of her mother this past week. It seems to me that we are losing a lot of her special generation lately. If you have ever read any of Miss Buchanan’s books on the special generation, I know you get what I am talking about. These books make me stop and appreciate our senior citizens. (Of which, I will soon be there.)

The garden is just about ready to give up the battle against the grasshoppers. We are getting tomatoes and some okra. The melons are puny but Tom says they still taste good. I guess we will try for a fall garden. Update soon on that.

I would like to ask for prayers for the people in Israel. I do not thoroughly understand what they are trying to accomplish but I do know the innocents are the ones who are being hurt. Pray that the shelling stops soon. After seeing some of the country and the people who live there, I feel such pain for them. They do not know when the next big hit might come. Prayers please.

I know the youth of Brashear, Miller Grove, and Sulphur Springs do not want to hear this, but school is just around the corner. I love this time of year there is such a sense of excitement in the air. Of course, football is just around the corner too. Wahoo!!! Go Wildcats!!!

Okay, I know you have been anxiously awaiting this announcement. The 3rd Annual Clothes Drive at Sulphur Springs First Methodist Church is fast approaching. We will be accepting donations the first week of August. You will find large boxes outside of the Family Life Building for your donations. Remember, clothes all sizes, shoes, backpacks are really our big items. The price for each item is 25 cents. That’s right just 25 cents. Come and help make someone have a great start for the new year. (Hint: I saw one young lady bring in a clothes basket last year. She went through and picked a lot of things. She then took her children to the corner and had them try them on before she paid. I think this was a great idea.) The church is still in the thinking process to see where the proceeds may be best used.

I would like to official offer the women a chance to get a great workout or just meet a great group of women, our P31 Fitness group. Come out Thursday evening to the Brashear Baptist Family Life Building, and join us for a free workout. We love fresh meat!! No just kidding. We would love to sweat with you.

I do not think I have mentioned that The Senior Citizen is a great place for you seniors to hang out in this heat, a nice cool environment with a great group of people to visit with. There is always a cup of coffee or iced tea to be had and for $2 you get a great meal if you get there before 11:30. They also provide a free library and an exercise program in the mornings. Check it out. Karon Templeton makes you feel so welcome.

For all of the runners out there, do not forget the Back to School Color Run on August 9th. It benefits the Senior Class of 2016. Check on line for registration information. There will be chips available to keep up with your time etc.

I have run down for now so until next week. Have a good one and keep the prayers going for all our world leaders too. Remember to call me at 903.612.8806; email me at; or just stop by CR 1119 the house with the bulldozer and 4 out buildings.


Author: KSST Webmaster

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