12 Contestants Competing In 2022 Hopkins County Dairy Festival Queen Coronation Pageant

The Hopkins County Dairy Festival will culminate Saturday night with the Coronation Pageant in the SSHS Auditorium (at Hopkins County Civic Center). After two years without a pageant due to COVID-19 precautions, this year’s pageant features one of the biggest groups of competitors yet. A dozen high school juniors signed up this spring to compete for the crown.

These young ladies not only have to take part in the pageant which includes talent, interview, and evening gown contests. They’ve been tasked with making and riding on an ice cream flavored float in last year’s Dairy Festival Parade, taking part in the opening ceremony and ribbon cutting, media interviews and photos, competing in a cow milking contest and assisting at the Hot Air Balloon Rally & Glow events last Friday and Saturday, selling pageant tickets and helping with any other Dairy Festival-related events as well.

KSST caught up with this year’s contestants earlier this summer to learn a bit more about each and her interest in the pageant.

The pageant begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15 at the door, or contact one of the following contestants: Miley Fisher, Colbie Glenn, Jayden Holly, Ashland Hooten, Allison Peckham, Brooklynn Shackelford, Madalyn Sherman, Sallee Spraggins, Vanessa Wayne, Olivia Worth, Jocelyne Yanez and Khira Young.

Click the video to see the contestants’ interviews.

Author: KSST Contributor

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