This past weekend the 3rd Annual Pen of 3 Commercial Heifer Show was held at the Hopkins County Civic Center. Pictured on the left is Catherine Starzyk who won the Senior Herdsman award. She was interviewed in front of two judges and answered questions about her pen of heifers. Pictured on the right is Kohen Moss who was the Open Division Champion.
Fourteen Sulphur Springs FFA Members showed and sold a pen of heifers. They all started with 4-6 head of commercial heifers and raised them to breeding age. This is a huge financial investment for these students and families. The sale was a success this year! These fourteen students received a total of $132,000 that will go toward expenses/investing in the next set of heifers or to their college savings.
This is one of my favorite shows because it brings the true industry experience into the show world.
– John Holland, SSHS FFA Advisor