Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

City Managers Report June 4th 2024

CLAIMS – We did not have any workers’ compensation claims or liability claims in May. 

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – We have applied for a $250,000 grant from the General Land Office (GLO) to help pay for the plan. They required an amendment to our  Financial Management Policy. The amendment was approved at the last meeting. We are  still awaiting word from the GLO. 

COLLEGE STREET – The street itself is  

constructed, but the contractor still needs a couple  of weeks to finish sidewalks and landscaping  

repairs. We still have road closed signs at both  ends, although you can get through if you are  


HOLIDAY DRIVE – Water and sewer lines are  completed. The Capital Construction Division has  

installed about 1/3 of the underground drainage.  The recent rains are significantly hampering this  

project. This is a complete reconstruction project, like College Street. After Holiday Drive we will need to start installing water and sewer at Thermo. 

WATER FILTER REHABILITATION – All of the filters have been rehabilitated  except filter #6. This $3.2 million project is funded by The American Rescue Plan Act (covid money).

STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) – Following is the list of streets to be repaved 201 N Davis Street, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 • 903.439.3700 • Page 1 in the 2024 Street Improvement Program.

Street Between Length
League Asphalt Repairs 1000
League Connally to KCS Rail 1200
W.A. MLK to end 2223
Cranford Robertson to Beasley 1287
S. Moore Bellview to Tate 449
Oak Gilmer to College 3446
Pollard Mulberry to end 211
N. Davis Glover to Airport 1728
Kirtley Bellview to Nicholson 412
Ninth Woodlawn to VanSickle 845
Carter Bill Bradford to Whitworth 2000
Henderson Craig to League 449
Melony Azalea to end 1215
Jennings Jefferson to College 929
Beckworth Whitworth to Beckham 690
Sharon W. Industrial to W. Pampa 803
Spence Lemon to Carter 639
Weaver Jackson to Teer 2877
Shook Weaver to Jefferson 536
Jacobs Houston to Bonner 848

REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES – Finance Director Lesa Smith will present the  usual report of revenues and expenditures. 

Elsewhere around the city, employees: 

  • • Reset times on school zone lights. 
    • Continued upgrading lighting at City Hall and the Municipal Library to LED. • Tested emergency sirens. 
    • Repaired the water fountain at City Hall. 
    • Performed preventative maintenance on various items at the wastewater treatment  plant and water treatment plant. 
    • Treated effluent to a daily average total suspended solids reading of 0.48 mg/L • Repaired 2 water main ruptures. 
    • Hauled 394 tons of sludge to the landfill.
  • 201 N Davis Street, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 • 903.439.3700 • Page 2
  • • Replaced 13 water meters. 
    • Unstopped 14 sewer mains. 
    • Washed 83,000 feet of sewer mains. 
    • Flushed 37 dead-end water mains. 
    • Operated Cooper Lake pumps on generated power for a few days. • Sold 3,466 gallons of AvGas and 6,600 gallons of JetA fuel. 
    • Accommodated 1,569 operations at the airport. 
    • Accommodated 16 jet aircraft for the annual CJAA training event. • Trimmed downtown trees. 
    • Planted seasonal flowers downtown. 
    • Power washed the pavilion at Buford Park. 
    • Made several repairs to Kids Kingdom. 
    • Checked out 4,158 items from the library plus 1,063 eBooks. 
    • Conducted 78 building inspections, 19 electrical inspections, 12 plumbing  inspections, 4 mechanical inspections and issued 32 building permits and 42 trade  permits. 
    • Repaired 374 potholes. 
    • Made 11 extensive street repairs following utility repairs. 
    • Demolished and removed 3 dilapidated structures. 
    • Replaced 7 street signs and 1 stop sign. 
    • Responded to 184 animal control calls while achieving an adoption rate of 70%. • Made 9 felony arrests in the Special Crimes Unit. 
    • Responded to 37 accidents, issued 488 citations, recorded 60 offences, and made  60 arrests in the Patrol Division. 
    • Responded to 253 fire/rescue calls including 1 structure fire and 2 vehicle fires. • Conducted 15 fire inspections. 
    • Performed preventative maintenance on 78 fire hydrants.
    201 N Davis Street, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 • 903.439.3700 • Page 3

Author: Matt Janson

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