Northeast Texas Trail Improvements Underway in Clarksville

PARIS – Texas Department of Transportation officials today announced that a project to upgrade and improve the Northeast Texas Trail in Clarksville, Texas, is set to begin July 19.

Sammy Gist Enterprises was granted 148 working days, weather permitting, to complete this project valued at more than $1.9 million. The target completion date for this project is May 30, 2025.

The work on this project will include construction of a 10-foot-wide shared use path and pedestrian enhancements along the former railroad ROW. Most of the work will be performed off of streets and highways, but care should be taken for vehicles entering and exiting the trail and at streets that cross the trail. 

Motorists who travel frequently in these areas are asked to pay special attention to all barricades, traffic controls and signs, and to reduce their speed as they approach and travel through work zones. They should also avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems.

For more information, contact [email protected] or (903) 737-9213.For more information, contact [email protected] or (903) 737-9213.

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Author: Matt Janson

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