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Superintendent Steeber Addresses Latest Threat to SSISD

September 24, 2024 – Dr. Deana Steeber, Superintendent of Sulphur Springs ISD sent a letter to teachers, staff, and parents in the district outlining her displeasure with what has become a rash of threats to schools in the district. Over the past weekend, a 14 year old female student who attends SSMS was charged with a felony charge of making a terroristic threat through social media. Dr. Steeber stated in part that SSISD takes any and all threats against students or campuses to be serious and the district will “continue to advocate for those caught participating in this type of behavior to be prosecuted to the maximum extent allowed by law.”

Social media has recently been the avenue of choice for the recent threats and Dr. Steeber issued a warning to parents of how the parent’s knowledge of what their students are posting online is vitally important to the safety of all students. Dr. Steeber also encouraged parents and students to help report any threatening behavior they see or hear on social media to SSISD administration or SSISD law enforcement.

The latest letter to Wildcat families clarified that students that are caught making threats against the school district would, “will not step foot on their home campus for the remainder of the school year.” In addition the student would not be allowed to attend any other school events, including graduation ceremonies and other activites including any sports, fine arts, or extracurricular activites for the remainder of the school year.

Dr. Steeber also tried to calm the fears of students, parents, and SSISD staff as she closed out her letter with: “I think it is important to state again that we will not live in fear. We will be smat, cautious, and discerning with all information received. However, we will not allow those who seek to bring chaos and confusion to steal the joys of a normal and healthy school year from our students who are choosing to do right. We stand ready to make this behavior stop. We stand read to protect our students and staff using any means necessary.”

Dr. Steeber’s full letter is posted below.

Author: Chad Young

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