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Leaves, Everywhere There are Leaves! From Master Gardener David Wall

October 10, 2024 – Yes, leaves are beginning to fall in mass!  Every year, we ask ourselves what to do about this, trying to ign or the fact that deep down, most know there are several solutions.  The literature nearly always says to mow, rake, shred, blow, and otherwise do whatever is necessary to get them off the lawn.  Doing so will prevent fungi, disease, rotting, etc. 

If leaves aren’t wanted on your lawn, do whatever you have to do to get rid of them.   The simplest resolution is simply to mow the lawn a final time…..or two!  Even so, there is something else to consider.  All sorts of critters, including solitary and native bees, need a leaf covering to help survive through the winter.  If you must mow, rake, shred, etc., why not pick a portion of your lawn, perhaps the fenced in, out of sight back yard, and leave the fallen leaves alone!  It’s something to consider.

There is one item you should make sure fallen leaves don’t dwell on.  Fallen leave have a lot of acids in them.  If they land on paint and are allowed to stay there for a relatively short amount of time, they can and will leave stains that are difficult to remove. It’s rare for the stains to be impossible to remove, but if they stay there for even a short time, they’ll probably require scrubbing.  Light stains can usually be handled with most car soaps, but if they’ve been there for a while a sap-removal product may be required.

Clear-coat paint protection on your car helps keep leaf stains to a minimum, and if you drive any distance to work, 90+% will probably blow off on the way! Double check your vent intakes for leaves that get stuck, become damp, and help get rust started.


Author: Matt Janson

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