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A Message of Inspiration From the Author of Living Loved, October 13, 2024

Hey friends!   Recently, I stood between two cars. Both wrecked, totaled to be exact.  As I stood there I had just finished talking to and praying with the family of the young man driving the car to my right. We celebrated and thanked the Lord that this young man’s life was spared. They repeatedly said ”God is good!”   To my left I saw the car that just a few hours before I held the sobbing mother of a young woman who is fighting for her life, as the mother saw her daughters car for the first time.  We prayed for healing and we prayed for peace and strength before we walked out there; and then as I held her I prayed the peace and comfort only God could give a momma who is hurting.  IN that moment I realized two things.

1.  God is good, not because of what He does but because of WHO HE IS!  You see the same God is the God of both these young people. He is sovereign and He is GOOD; again, not because of what He does or doesn’t do, but because of WHO HE IS.  We may never know why something works out the way it does but we can trust God no matter how it works out.


2.  I don’t have anything to offer in the way of encouragement, comfort, peace, or wisdom that is not JESUS.  Even though the mother was sobbing and crying she never once blamed God or was angry. Even though she was breaking she had a peace that settled on her heart to know God is with her daughter.   I am utterly useless at any of those things.  JESUS is the peace, He is the comforter, He is the answer to all of it.  And He is good!  Because He is love.

Bad things are going to happen, but they don’t mean God is bad. He is good. All the time. And that’s so easy for us to say when everything is good. But can you say it AND MEAN IT when things aren’t good?  Because God is good not because of what He does but because of WHO HE IS. 

Friends we are so loved. And rest in His peace no matter how hard life may be right now. Rest in knowing that God is working it all out right now. He is always faithful!  Always!

Psalm 56:8-11 NLT
[8] You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. [9] My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side! [10] I praise God for what he has promised; yes, I praise the LORD for what he has promised. [11] I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?

About the author

Tracy Kelley is a follower of Jesus, mother, grandmother, author and speaker, living in Sulphur Springs, TX.   She is the author of the book Living Loved, Learning to Live in the Fullness of Gods Love, where she shares encouragement from her daily journey and how God has shown His love to her through various trials.  You can buy her book, find events, book her for your event, and follow her by going to her Facebook page, where you will always be greeted as friend!  You can purchase her book at Good News Book Store in Sulphur Springs, TX; online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and most other major retailers. 

Tracy Kelley

Author: KSST Webmaster

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