November 14, 2024 – TYLER, Texas Texas A&M Forest Service held the agency’s annual personnel meeting today in Tyler, Texas. Statewide agency employees gathered to recognize the past year’s agency accomplishments and employee achievements.
“Our agency has had a successful year of overcoming many challenges,” said Texas A&M Forest Service Director Al Davis. “This year’s personnel meeting was a great day to reflect on our growth, improvements and employee success.”
During the meeting, Davis spoke on many agency highlights from this year including giving over $20 million through the Rural VFD Assistance Program, over $38 million through the Community Wildfire Protection grant and over $16 million to landowners and communities to improve natural resources.
“I am respectful of our past and excited about our future,” said Davis. “With the help of the Texas Legislature and our employees’ adaptability, we stand ready to conserve and protect Texas.”
During the meeting, agency leadership recognized 78 employees for five years or more of service including: Kirk Risinger, Radio Communications Specialist IV in Hudson for 25 years of service; Bryan Young, Resource Specialist V in Lufkin for 25 years of service; Michael Dunivan, Area Operations Chief in San Antonio for 30 years of service; Joel Hambright, Regional Operations Chief in Huntsville for 30 years of service; and Ricky Holbrook, Fire Coordinator V in Livingston for 35 years of service.
Employees who consistently deliver excellent service above-and-beyond regular job duties were presented with Director’s Awards.
Donna Smith, Business Assistant III in McGregor, received the Director’s Award for Support Staff Field. Smith is known to be an uplifting and encouraging spirit, supporting the office and her team in the field. She goes above and beyond by supporting the agency’s mission and activities through helping with Pac-testing, tree planting, administrative training, Sisters in Fire, Texas Abor Day and Smokey Bear events.
Adam DeWitt, Project Coordinator in College Station, received the Director’s Award for Support Staff Office. DeWitt has demonstrated excellence in project management, technical analysis and process improvement for the Capacity Building Department. His leadership in the development and implementation of FireConnect will have lasting impacts on the agency and fire department cooperators.
Kayla Walkoviak, Business Assistant II in Conroe, received the Director’s Award for Support Staff Professional. Walkoviak has been an integral part of the agency for seven years showing indispensable leadership in district logistics, finances, grant management, reporting and resource tracking. In addition to business functions, she actively engages in prescribed burning on the Jones State Forest and assists with education and outreach events.
Jason Ellis, District Forester IV in Jacksonville, received the D.A. “Andy” Anderson Information and Education Award. Ellis works tirelessly to provide sound educational experiences to visitors of the Fairchild State Forest. He teaches FFA and 4-H members and students from Stephen F. Austin State University and Texas A&M University.
Michelle Moore, Staff Forester II in Lufkin, received the Director’s Award for Technical Forestry. Moore leads the agency’s Electronic Land Management Records program which supports field staff. She is also the Project Director for Texas Climate Smart Initiative’s Forest Commodity Team.
Matthew Moore, Resource Specialist IV in Palestine, received the Charles Krenek Award for Resource Specialist. Moore is dedicated to servicing his district, the agency and all of Texas through wildfire response to assisting landowners. He has a wealth of knowledge and serves on the Employee Advisory Council; is an instructor for chainsaw, ATV/UTV and forklift operations; and is a member of the hand crew.
John Hawkins, District Forester IV in New Boston, received the Byron “Jeff” Durant Prescribed Fire Excellence Award. Hawkins has planned and executed prescribed burns on 6,616 acres from 2022 to 2024 in our North Region. He has strengthened partner relationships which has helped develop the next generation of prescribed burn managers, ensuring the continued success and safety of prescribed fire operations.
The Director’s Award for Team Effort – Best Interdivisional Project was awarded to a group who has elevated the Civil Air Patrol Partnership, increasing aerial fire detection and forest management. This team is comprised of Mike Sills, Staff Forester IV in Dallas; Buster Robinson, Incident Aviation Operations Officer in Palestine; James Russell, Regional Coordinator in Nacogdoches; Billy Whitworth, Area Operations Chief in Nacogdoches; and Courtney Blevins, Staff Forester V in Fort Worth.
Texas A&M Forest Service and the Civil Air Patrol have a Memorandum of Understanding to assist with aerial fire detection. This partnership helped this group facilitate Wildland Fire Behavior training for Civil Air Patrol pilots and observers.
Texas A&M Forest Service is proud to recognize agency accomplishments and employee achievements while looking forward to the future and the coming year of service.