Dinner Bell for January 29, 2025

DINNER BELL, First United Methodist Church 

The doors to Fellowship Hall at First United Methodist Church will open at 11:00 a.m. Meal service begins at 11:30 a.m.  and doors will close at 12:45 p.m. Please come join us to share fellowship and a meal. 

Money Law and Title recently moved its Sulphur Springs headquarters to the spacious red brick building on the South east Corner of Sulphur Springs downtown and Oak Avenue with the purchase of Professional Land & Title. 

Streamlining real estate transactions and closings requires legal expertise. Money Law Firm opened in 2013. A title fee  office became a reality in 2016. In 2022 the law and title company transitioned into an independent agency to create  Money Law and Title. 

Offices are located in Greenville, Sulphur Springs, Terrell, Emory, Prosper and Sherman to serve the needs of the people  of the North and Eastern areas of Texas. 

Our 2nd sponsor for the week of January 29th is Bell Concrete, Inc. We are so pleased to have them as a new sponsor  for the Dinner Bell Ministry. For over 70 years Bell Concrete has been delivering the best ready mixed concrete, sand,  and aggregate. Their friendly staff ensures your project is completed with care and a smile! They are located in Green ville, Sulphur Springs, Dike, Arbala, Brashear, Birthright, Como, Seymour and Miller Grove, Texas.  

Bell Concrete has the knowledge, skills, and expertise to handle projects of all sizes and complexities. Their team of pro fessionals is dedicated to meeting and exceeding our clients’ expectations; and, they ensure the job is done right the  first time. They are fully licensed and insured, and take great pride in their workmanship. We greatly appreciate their  sponsorship in this New Year. 

We plan to continue inside dining every Wednesday with the exception of the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Christ mas and New Years Day.


  • Mexican Lasagna 
  • Brown Sugar Tarragon Carrots 
  • Tortillas 
  • Garden Salad with Guacamole Ranch Dressing 
  • Sopapilla Cheesecake

HAPPY 2025!!!!  

The Dinner Bell Ministry 

First United Methodist Church 

Take care of YOURSELF by following safe health practices as flu and COVID are lurking in our midst!  Wear masks where required! Wash your hands often! Get inoculated and boosted 


*We plan to continue inside dining every Wednesday …”

Author: Matt Janson

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