March 5, 2025 – During the regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council on Tuesday March 4, 2025, City Manager Marc Maxwell submitted his monthly report.
CLAIMS – We did not have any workers compensation claims in February. We did have one claim for wastewater flooding in a residence.
ALABAMA STREET – Utilities are installed From Morris to Como. This project is now paused to install water and sewer mains at Thermo. After that we will return to Alabama for the Como to Jefferson segment.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – Kimley Horn had a kickoff meeting with staff and the process has begun.
MIRACLE LEAGUE FIELD – I expect 90% construction Drawings in March.
THERMO WATER – The Capital Construction Division has begun installing an 18″ water main into the site. It will replace an old 8” main. This will be the first water project of many at Thermo.
THERMO ROAD – All of the concrete road for this project is complete. All that remains is some work on the shoulders. This $4.4 million project is partially funded by a $2.4 million grant from the Economic
Development Administration (EDA).
COLEMAN BALLFIELD LIGHT UPGRADE – This $250,000 grant from the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) to upgrade the ballfield lights to LED is on again, off again. It is currently “on pause.” We will see.
MIDFIELD APRON – This concrete pavement/drainage improvement is approximately 70% complete. All work is completed for phase 1. Demolition and subgrade stabilization is complete for phase 2. Concrete work has begun on phase 2. This project includes drainage improvements as well as repaving the midfield apron in concrete. Total project cost is $5.28 million, of which 90% is funded by a grant through TXDOT.
WASTEWATER CHLORINE CONTACT CHAMBER – Hayter Engineering is presently designing the new chlorine contact chamber. This $2.2 million project will repurpose a former (abandoned) sand filter turning it into a chlorine contact chamber. Chlorine contact time is a bottleneck at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The WWTP has a rated capacity of 5.4 MGD. Staff believes we can increase the capacity to 10 MGD when the project is completed. The increase will require TCEQ approval, but staff thinks it is feasible. The project is being funded from the Enterprise Fund balance.
STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) – Following is a list of projects for the 2025 SIP. Highlighted segments have been completed.

REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES – Finance Director Lesa Smith will present the monthly report of revenues and expenditures. Elsewhere around the city, employees:
- Sold 2,251gallons of AvGas and 8,135 gallons of JetA fuel.
- Accommodated 1,641 landings/takeoffs at the airport.
- Checked out 3,622 items from the Library.
- Repaired 444 potholes.
- Made major street repairs following 8 utility repairs.
- Treated wastewater effluent to a daily average total suspended solids reading of
1.2 mg/L. - Hauled 634 tons of sludge to the landfill.
- Repaired 11 water main ruptures.
- Replaced 18 water meters.
- Unstopped 49 sewer mains.
- Washed 81,000 feet of sewer mains.
- Repaired 4 sewer mains.
- Flushed 40 dead-end water mains.
- Pumped from Lake Sulphur Springs for a few days.
- Responded to 168 animal control calls while achieving an 85% adoption rate.
- Responded to 24 accidents, wrote 513 traffic citations, recorded 28 offences, made
50 arrests in the Patrol Division. - Made 3 felony arrests in the Special Crimes Unit.
- Responded to 177 fire rescue calls including 1 structure fire, 1 vehicle fire and 9
grass fires. - Conducted 44 fire inspections.
- Performed preventative maintenance on 76 fire hydrants.
- Conducted 50 building inspections, 18 electrical inspections, 6 plumbing
- inspections, and 3 mechanical inspections.
- Issued 15 building permits and 35 trade permits.
- Rented the Grays building 18 times.
- Changed banners downtown.
- Began prepping athletic fields for spring youth leagues.