A Message of Inspiration From the Author of Living Loved, March 16, 2025
Hey friends!! Let’s read a little scripture here that really prompted my heart to prayer!
Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word. (Psalms 119:37 NLT)
Friends, so many times we try to find life through worthless things; money, relationships, status, etc. But the only thing that gives life is the Word of God and only through relationship with Christ do we find everlasting life! You know there are many dead things in our lives, dead relationships, dead motivation, dead peace, dead joy, dead love; it’s only through Gods word and relationship with Christ that we will truly find those things come to life; speaking Gods living word over those dead things in our life will rise them up to living again! You can experience joy, peace, love, motivation, solid relationships! My prayer today is that whatever we find to be “dead” in our lives that we will get into the living word of God and begin speaking it over those things to bring His life into them!! We are loved by a Mighty God who sent His son to die for us so we might have life, and not just life but life more abundantly! Even in the difficult times we can experience His goodness and fullness!! Go out and speak life! Live loved friends!!
About the author
Tracy Kelley is a follower of Jesus, mother, grandmother, author and speaker, living in Sulphur Springs, TX. She is the author of the book Living Loved, Learning to Live in the Fullness of Gods Love, where she shares encouragement from her daily journey and how God has shown His love to her through various trials. You can buy her book, find events, book her for your event, and follow her by going to her Facebook page, where you will always be greeted as friend! You can purchase her book at Good News Book Store in Sulphur Springs, TX; online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and most other major retailers.