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“Updated” Rabies Rears it’s Ugly Head in Hopkins County

skunk rabies


A woman went outside to find a skunk in a pen with 2 of her dogs.  The dogs were together to play, but instead were not going near the section of the pen the skunk had made its way into.  The Regional Texas Department of State Health Services told KSST News Wednesday morning that the shunk find was in the Dike area. The owner killed the skunk, moved the dogs, bagged the skunk with adequate protection, and called her vet.  Of the two dogs, only one was current on its Rabies vaccination.  Both were revaccinated, with the previously vaccinated one undergoing a 45 day strict isolation, and the unvaccinated a 90 day strict isolation with Rabies boosters at 3 and 8 weeks.  No human exposures occurred.

Information in this news article supplied by Chris Menges, DVM, MPH, Regional Zoonosis Control Veterinarian, Region 4/5N, Texas Department of State Health Services, 2521 W Front Street, Tyler, TX, 75702


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Author: KSST Webmaster

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