Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Happy Anniversary to the Quilt Guild !

Thirty members of the Lone Star Heritage Quilt Guild celebrated the 18th anniversary of the local organization during their March meeting. An interesting program called “Yes You Can!” was presented by veteran stitcher JoAnn Cross in a display of practical sewing and designing tips that “anyone” can use to create quilts like hers!  During the evening, there was a “show n tell” of quilts in progress, discussion of this fall’s 2016 “Quilt Show” and a presentation of funds to three local organizations.

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Lou Jane Brandenburg with “Block of the Month”


Melba Diamond with “Longhorn”


Wilma Moss, “Celtic Music”


Patricia Peacock with “Stars”  


Meal-a-Day, Children’s Advocacy Center and Terrific Tuesdays  received donations from Guild Program Chair Hillis Bass



JoAnn Cross with a few of her original quilt creations and tips on creating your own heirlooms!


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Author: Enola Gay

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