Tira News By Jan Vaughn

Tira News

By Jan Vaughn

Tira Mayor Floyd Payton has submitted his resignation, due to health issues. The City Council will meet on Tuesday, June 7th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Tira Community Center. They consider filling Mayor Payton’s position and appointing a new member to the council, to fill the vacancy, in addition to conducting their regular quarterly business. Martha Payton expects that Floyd will be able to come home from rehab by the end of the month. We want to wish them all the best.

William and Joyce Dodd celebrated Mother’s Day with lunch at their house. Michael McNiel came in from Richardson for the day. Rob Dodd, Brad, Tanya, and Matthew Dodd were there, also. Tonja (Dodd) Jones had to work that day.

Several end-of-year activities are coming up at North Hopkins School. High school graduation is scheduled for Saturday, June 4th, at 3:00 p.m. The 8th grade graduation will be held on Friday night, June 3rd. There will be a Baccalaureate service for the seniors on Sunday, May 29th at 6:00 p.m. “Round-Up Days” for Pre-K and Kindergarten will be going on from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. on June 1st and 2nd. Parents and students are invited to visit the teachers and classrooms.

Our son, Delayne Vaughn, was here from Waco for the Mother’s Day weekend. He made my favorite caramel pies. On Sunday, Chip cooked lunch for our family, including his ever-popular homemade yeast rolls. His mother, Grace, joined us, along with our daughter, Tiffany, and our grandsons, Morgan, Kenden, and Jaidyn. Tiffany took Delayne, Jaidyn, and me to the Choral Society presentation in Sulphur Springs that afternoon, and Grace went to celebrate Mother’s Day with John and Linda Vaughn and their family. Landon, Laiken, Rylan, Brailon, and Slaiden were with Laiken’s mother, Leigh Ann, and her family for the holiday.

Tiffany Vaughn spent this past weekend with her friend, Stephanie Weaver, in McKinney over the weekend. They enjoyed visiting, shopping, eating out, and, most of all, attending a women’s conference on Saturday.

Jim and Sandra Vaughn, of Broken Bow, Oklahoma, spent a few days in our area visiting with family last week. They had lunch with us on Sunday and Linda Ellen and Grace Vaughn, joined us, too.


I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-945-2190 or 903-438-6688 or [email protected].



tira community center


Author: KSST Webmaster

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