by Brandon Darrow
Gardens are on the down-hill now that summer is slowly turning to fall. I have a few pea plans left and my okra is in full swing. Other than that my garden is gone for 2016.
Sunday afternoon (Sept. 18) I stopped by Michael and Tammy Anthony’s open house. Construction was finished not long ago and I know they are proud to be all moved in. They built the house behind Michael’s grandmother’s house (Mary Lou Akins) on FM 1567. I was glad to see so many people there and they had refreshments for everyone. Even though it was all beautiful, the stone fireplace and large front porch were my favorite things about the house.
Deanna Hasten told me that the quilt show at the Fall Festival went well again this year. She said that Bettye (Stripling) Dunegan came down from Tulsa to give her annual award in memory of her mother, Louise (Garmon) Stripling.
Another reminder about the PTO Glow Run coming up on Oct. 8. If you have questions please see Stacie Wilbur.
Saturday, Oct. 15, Jeremy Blackstead and Brytany Briggs will be married in Alba at 4B Wedding & Events. Congratulations to them. Jeremy was a 2010 MG graduate.
With October approaching it will be time for the school’s Fall Carnival before we know it and then, in November, it will be time for Daylight Savings Time to end. Wow, this year has flown by!
Happy Birthday to Amanda May, Beau Alcorn & Lana (Weaver) Mabe on Sept. 25; H.C. Burns & Jennifer Darrow on Sept. 26; Tim Clem & Margaret (Darrow) Cain on Sept. 27; B.J. Millard & Dylan McGowan on Sept. 28; Mary (Russell) Ridings on Sept. 29; and Holly Miller on Oct. 1.
Happy 14th Anniversary to Jason & Baden Shackelford on Sept. 28.
As you travel the highways and byways don’t forget that all roads lead back home and back to Miller Grove. Please send me any newsworthy information. My email address is