Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Chamber Connection, September 18, 2014 by Meredith Caddell

Stew Deadline is Friday, September 19th to re-claim your stew site! Get forms turned in TODAY!
Mark your calendars NOW for the World Champion Hopkins County Stew Contest, Saturday, October 25th!
Cooks, if you cooked stew last year, you only have until TOMORROW September 19th to re-claim your stew site. On Monday, September 22nd, all unclaimed sites will be up for grabs. If you have never cooked stew, but would like to, you may stop by the Chamber office at 300 Connally Street and pick up the information.
Sponsors, you too should have received sponsorship forms in the mail. All sponsorships are available on a first come, first served basis, so if you want to sponsor something specific…get your forms in EARLY!!!Remember, if you sponsor the winning stew or prize money, we will hang your banner (if you have one) on League Street for almost 2 full weeks! This is a great opportunity to get your business name in front of THOUSANDS of people! For more information, please call the Chamber at 903-885-6515.

Congratulations to the Class of 2016—This will be the organization that sells drinks at the Stew Contest
Thank you to everyone who entered their organization for the chance to sell drinks at the Stew Contest. At our monthly Board Meeting, we entered all organizations and placed them in a basket. Sheryl Paden, Chairman of the Board, then drew one group and it was the SSHS Class of 2016. They will be the organization that sells drinks at the 45th Annual World Champion Hopkins County Stew Contest!

15th Annual Quilt Show-Friday & Saturday September 19 & 20th at The ROC downtown SS.
Lone Star Heritage Quilt Guild presents their 15th Annual Quilt Show, “Ties that Bind” Friday, September 19th from 9am-5pm and Saturday, September 20th from 9am-3pm at The ROC (First Baptist Church Recreation Outreach Center) 1 block South of Downtown at 115 Putman Street. Admission is only $5 and children under 12 are FREE. They will have more than 100 beautiful quilts displayed, along with vendors, demonstrations and door prizes. For more information visit

Lights of Life Half Marathon-September 20th benefitting the HC Health Care Foundation
Don’t miss the 1st EVER Hopkins County Half Marathon! Registration is $75 for an individual entry, $80 for Partner Relay (2 person) or $100 for a Team Relay (4 person). You may register at Fieldhouse Sports or at For more information please call 903-438-4799. All proceeds benefit the Hopkins County Healthcare Foundation.

Outdoor Expo, Saturday, September 20th At 6:30pm at the Civic Center-Thousands of $$ in Prizes
The Surrendered Sportsmen will host their Outdoor Expo on Sturday, September 20th at 6:30pm at the Civic Center! 25 Guns/Gospel Presentation/Hunt Auctions plus much more! $10 entry includes BBQ Meal and kids 10 and under are free! If you are an outdoorsman, you will LOVE this event! It is a wonderful time of fellowship and a way to share Christ through the Outdoors.
Surrendered Sportsmen is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ through the gift of the outdoors. In order to do this, they organize community-wide outdoor expo events. The family-friendly events consist of thousands of dollars in outdoor prizes, local vendor booths, hunt auctions and a clear presentation of the gospel. If you would like more information please contact Cole Hoskison at 903-922-1283 or visit their website at

Birthright Blues Project-Reilly Springs Jamboree-Saturday, September 20th at 7:00pm
Want to hear some good ol blues, outlaw country and folk music? Then you don’t want to miss Birthright Blues Project, this Saturday, September 20th at 7:00 at Reilly Springs Jamboree 109 CR 1439, Sulphur Springs. Admission is only $5 and Johnny Sands, Allen martin, Shea Birdwell and Junior Tibbs will also be performing. For more information please contact Enola Gay at 903-438-3568.

Ribbon Cutting for Brendal’s Bakery & Cupcake Couture, Thursday, September 25th at Noon
Please make plans to join us as we welcome Brendal’s Bakery & Cupcake Couture to the Chamber of Commerce, Thursday, September 25th at Noon. The Bakery is located on the South side of Main Street on the corner of Gilmer Street! Stop by and say hi and enjoy one of their yummy cupcakes…my favorite is the key lime!!!

2014 Lights of Life Style Show, Thursday, September 25th @6:30 at First United Methodist Church
Please mark your calendars for a fabulous dinner and wonderful Style Show, benefitting the Lights of Life Campaign. The event will take place Thursday, September 25th at 6:30pm at First United Methodist Church. Dinner will be served and fashions will be presented by Lou Nells. This event is only $20, so don’t miss out!

Walk like MADD Glow Walk, Saturday, September 27th at Buford Park
Make plans now to walk in the “Walk Like MADD Glow Walk”, Saturday, September 27th at Buford Park. Kids Activities will begin at 6:00, Walk registration begins at 7:00 and the walk begins at 8:00pm. It is going to be a beautiful evening with the luminaries lit around Peevine Pinion Lake! All proceeds go to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, which is the largest nonprofit working to protect families from drunk driving and underage drinking. The monies raised go to offer support programs to help victims cope with their tragedy and loss of a loved one at no charge. MADD provides legal support to victims as they go through the judicial process, plus much, much more! So please make plans to participate in the walk!

Hampton Inn says Thank You for the Support!
Hampton Inn would like to formally and publically thank the community for all of the concern and support over the last few weeks. On September 5th, they called the Fire Department to inspect the property as a precaution to ensure the safety of their guests after the alarms were set off. The Fire Department cleared them shortly after arrival. The hotel has not skipped a beat and they are constantly working to guarantee that they are able to fill all of their guests needs.
That’s all for now…have a GREAT week!

Author: KSST Webmaster

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