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County Schools Qualify for State at Regional Cross Country

Once again Hopkins County showed its’ strength in cross country at the regional meet Saturday at Lynn Creek Park in Grand Prairie.

In boys Class 1A, Saltillo was first in the region. Miller Grove was second and Sulphur Bluff fourth. Saltillo was paced by Dakota Patridge in fifth place. Lyle Bench was 6th, ,Walker McGill 9th, Branson McGill 11th, Adam Valenzuela 13th, Trevor Moore 19th and Hendrick Rios 22nd. Miller Grove was led by a 1-2 finish in regional from Albert Serrano and Luke Brignon. Other Hornets going to state are Grant Earp, Jake Pelerose, Grant Sharp and Trent Wolfe. Sulphur Bluff runners heading to state are Johnathan Brown, Brennon Seymore, Trayton South, Turner South, Ricky Taylor-Hatfield, Ishmeal Wade and Jacob Watts. In Class 2a, Javier Rojo qualfied for state.

In girls, Miller Grove was first in the region. Their state bound team includes Aleigh Bessonett who was fourth, Candace Earp, Alexis Green, Ashley Purser, Rosa Schones, Cassidy Seaney who was third and Alex Ziegler. The Saltillo girls were third in the region. Sienna Collins finished first in the region. Others on the team are Brenda Castro, Melisa Groenwald, Jocelyn Ochoa, Madison Simmons and Melisa Tawil. Maddie Hooker of Yantis who finished fifth in regional also qualified for state.


Author: Staff Reporter

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