“Updated” Wildcat Marching Band Scores Well

Despite making the highest score of straight ones, Wildcats Marching Band Director Charles McCauley felt like last Saturday’s performance at a contest in Texarkana was not nearly as good as the band’s performance at the Friday night football game in Mt. Pleasant. He challenged the band to improve and McCauley said the band has had strong practices all this week. After playing for the Homecoming game Friday night, the band will go to a contest in Mt. Pleasant this Saturday. They’ll play at 6:15 p.m. There will be 31 bands there and McCauley said his band’s attitude is that none of them will outwork the Wildcats band this week.

[pb_vidembed title=”” caption=”” url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfyIc4YN4xc” type=”yt” w=”640″ h=”480″]

Author: KSST Webmaster

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