Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Chamber Connection October 23, 2014 by Meredith Caddell

Record # of Cooks for the Stew Fest 2014, October 25th at Buford Park! Get your tickets NOW
Stew Cooks have been pouring in over the past few weeks and we will have the most stew cooks EVER! In 2012, we had 144 stew cooks. To date, 154 stew cooking teams. So, mark your calendars NOW to spend your Saturday, October 25th in Sulphur Springs for Stew Fest 2014…it is going to be a GREAT event! For just $5, you can get a bowl and make your way around Buford Park and sample as many of the yummy stews you can eat! Go straight to the service tents and not have to wait in line to purchase ticket…Tickets are on sale NOW at Alliance Bank, City National Bank, Guaranty Bank & Trust, Pilgrim Bank and Texas Heritage National Bank!

Hopkins County Fall Festival will host the second evening of the The Cover Girl competition at the Civic Center tonight, Thursday, October 23. The carnival which began on Wednesday, October 22nd, will run through Sunday, October 26. Other Fall Festival Activities begin Friday, October 24th and Saturday, October 25th and will be two days full of exhibits, events, games and concerts.

For more information on the Stew Fest Activities, visit or

Trolley being offered from Downtown Sulphur Springs to the Stew Grounds and Civic Center…FREE!
If you are worried about finding a place to park for Stew Fest…worry no more. The Downtown Business Alliance is offering free trolley rides from downtown Sulphur Springs at the Corvette Show out to Buford Park for the Stew Contest and to the civic center for the Fall Festival. The trolley will run from the corner of Connally & Davis (by the Chamber office), to a drop off in front of kids kingdom at Buford Park, and to a spot between the Civic Center and High School for Fall Festival. The trolley will run from 9am-2pm. It should make the stops about every 20-30 minutes. Thank you Downtown Business Alliance for running the trolley!

SS Corvette Show will be Saturday, October 25th from 8am-2pm Downtown Sulphur Springs!

Margret's Art of Texas ribbon cutting

Margret’s Art of Texas Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening!
Thank you to everyone who attended the ribbon cutting and grand opening of Margret’s Art of Texas last Thursday. Margret Carroll Anzaldua has brought a love of art and creativeness to Northeast Texas and many other places throughout the great state of Texas. Her personal art education has been influenced and taught by Lee Kenley, Bart Lindstrom, and Mr. Quinn of Maine.

Margret enjoys working with art of many types including, oil, acrylic, watercolor, charcoal, and various other mediums. Creativeness runs in the family with an Aunt, cousins, and even her own children and grandchildren who have found success in various art fields. Being a native to Northeast Texas played a large role in her love of country, nature, and landscape art. In more recent years she has developed a love not only for modern abstract art, but more importantly, the freedom and fun that is involved in creating it. She has a Passion to share and teach the love of Art through A Brush of Class, Workshops and personal lessons. For more information on the Gallery and/or Art Classes, please call 903-243-9727 or visit the website

Fall Decorating Contest Entries will be judged tomorrow, Friday, October 24, at 1:00 p.m.
There will be a First Place Small Business/ First Place Large Business/Honorable Mention on Creativity and Originality. Thanks to all of you whom have participated and made our Sulphur Springs community look even more special than usual. Please keep your decorations up through October 31.

Zombie Run & Fun, October 25th, Downtown SS, benefitting SSHS Class of 2015
Make plans now to participate in the Zombie Run Saturday, October 25th at 6:45. The run is only $25 and will go from the Square down Connally to Buford Park where Zombies may be encountered!!! Stay on the square for family fun including dunking booth games; thriller dance contest; pumpkin decorating contest; costume contest; live D.J., face painting, food and much more. For more information please call 903-243-0044 or 903-243-5077.

9th Annual Heritage Square Car Show, Saturday, November 1st, Downtown Sulphur Springs
The Downtown Business Alliance will present their 9th Annual Heritage Square Car Show, Saturday, November 1st, on Celebration Square, downtown SS! Registration is from 8-Noon, with prizes in over 24 categories being awarded at 3pm. Vehicles must be 1987 or older to participate and the first 50 entries will receive Dash Plaques. Participants will be entered in 4 drawings for cash prizes. For more information, please call 903-885-1236 or 903-335-0487!

Divorce Care is being offered at First United Methodist Church, every Sunday at 4:00
Divorce Care is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Divorce Care meets each Sunday at 4:00pm in the Good News Classroom at First United Methodist Church and is open to anyone in our community. We encourage you to share this with those who are struggling with divorce in our community. For more information contact Tom or Debbie Young at 903-413-1673 or 903-243-1235

Trinity God Church of God’s Food Pantry is CLOSED because of remodeling.
This week was the last week for the Trinity God Church of God’s Food Pantry. The building will be under construction for several months. There will be No more Food Pantry at this location.

The Community Bible Fellowship/Open Arms Recovery Ministry hosting a Benefit Raffle
Chances for a $2,000.00 gift card are being sold by the Community Bible Fellowship and Open Arms Recovery in Dike. Tickets are $20.00 for 1; $100.00 for 6. All proceeds go towards helping someone get treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. The are also offering a Shotgun Raffle, Browning Maxis, Camo Finish, $1,270.00 Value, Semi-Auto 12 Gauge 2 ¾” and 3” Shell rifle. Tickets are 1=$10.00 and 6=$50.00. All proceeds go to baby Aniston Huie’s medical expenses to ensure this child gets her helmet that will shape her head properly. For tickets or information contact Keith at 903-638-4226.

Load the Wagon & Saddle Up for St. Jude Trail Ride, Saturday, November 8th
Saddle up your horses and help St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital fight cancer and other catastrophic diseases. The event will take place on Saturday, November 8th at Two J Ranch, 993 CR 2331 in Como. Gates will open at 7:00am, Saddle Up at 9:30 and Ride out at 10:00am. A free lunch will be provided, but remember…it is a fundraiser to help St. Jude’s Hospital, so donations will gladly be accepted. There will be horses and mule wagon rides available. There is a $10 minimum donation for you to ride your own horse. If you would like more information, please call Jean & Jim Murray at 903-488-3030 Sandy Billodeau @ 903-488-3311 or Jr. Gregg at 903-488-3685. Others assisting in this great event are Cathi & Jim Wright 903-488-3350, Don Meeks 903-488-3456, Mike Mund, T.W. Little, Daniel Walker, Carole Hatch and Jo Marie Neal, so any of them will be able to give you more information. If you have never participated in this event, it is spectacular and you should! Not only is it raising money for an amazing hospital, but to see the hundreds of people, loaded up in their wagons, heading out for the cause…it is absolutely incredible, so please try to attend!!

41st Annual Christmas Joys Holiday Program, Monday, November 10th
Don’t miss the 41st Annual Christmas Joys Holiday Program, “Everything Old is New Again” Monday, November 10 th at 1:30 and repeated 5:30pm at the Southwest Dairy Museum. They will offer decorating ideas, food gift ideas, recipes, craft ideas, gift-giving ideas, refreshments, door prizes, goody bags and a booklet of all the demonstrations’ with instructions/recipes. Seating is limited to $5 per person. You must call to reserve a seat at 903-885-3443!

Remember Operation R.U.F.F. (Reading Using Furry Friends) every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month.
The Sulphur Springs Public Library is offering this program to let children read ‘stress free’ to a trained therapy dog. When a child reads to the dogs, there are no mistakes, no wrong pronunciations, no strees…just reading. Join us from 10:30-12:30p.m.every 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month.

Welcome our newest member to the Chamber of Commerce
Bankers Products & Printing, located at 216 N. Jackson in Sulphur Springs, Tx. They can be reached at 903-438-0500. We are pleased to have this business to serve our banker’s, businesses and individuals with printing and promotional products.

That’s all for now…have a GREAT week!

Author: KSST Webmaster

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