Beef 706 and Private Applicator Training.

The extension activities for this time of the year are intensive. Just few days ago we completed the second portion of our NETBIO 706 hosted at the extension office. By the time you read this article, participants of the training should be getting ready or are already travelling to College Station to attend the third portion of the training. During NETBIO 706, participants had the opportunity to learn the process from selecting a steer to actually grading and processing the carcass. I personally think this was a great opportunity for our producers to be part of since very few producers to actually get a chance to learn about the complete process related to beef.

Another component of our educational efforts will be our 2014 Private Applicator training to be held at the Hopkins County Regional Civic Center scheduled for Wednesday November 5, 2014 9:00-3:00 PM (1 Gen, 3 IPM, and 1 L&R) (Course 0704883). The program will include from 09:00-10:00 Integrated control of flies in livestock operations- Dr. Sonja Swiger- Texas A&M AgriLife Extension- Stephenville, Texas. 10:00-11:00 Armyworms and Grasshopper Control – Dr. Sonja Swiger- Texas A&M AgriLife Extension- Stephenville, Texas.11:00 to 12:00 Laws and regulations update- Janet Hurley- Texas A&M AgriLife Extension- Dallas, 12:00-01:00 Lunch catered by Andy Wright, 1:00-2:00 Protecting our waters from pesticide pollution- Dr. Fouad Jaber- Texas A&M AgriLife Extension- Dallas. 2:00-3:00 Integrated weed control in pasture land in Northeast Texas- Jason Holt from USDA- Natural Resource Conservation Service. The cost of the seminar is $25 (Lunch included). This Program is organized by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Hopkins County. Program partially sponsored by NETBIO. As you can tell by the topic selection, crop pest and learning how to protect the quality of our existing water resources are priorities that we all must be aware off. For more information on this or any agricultural topic please contact the Hopkins County Extension Service at 903-884-3443 or email me at [email protected].

Author: KSST Webmaster

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