Sulphur Springs School Board approved the purchase of replacement air conditioning/heating units for four classrooms at the high school and took a tour of Salem, Massachusetts during colonial times during their Tuesday evening November board meeting. The board also learned that almost all of the local policies in the district complied with the 800-plus pages of legislative chances for public education.
Lamar Primary School students, who had lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flag shared their headsets with board members for the tour. The headsets allowed students and board members to adjust the focus of the lens and provided popups to highlight the various sites to be observed. It was noted that stocks for prisoners were among the first things to be built in colonial villages. Wigwams, colonial thatched roof homes and furnishings, and other sites were featured. Board members exhibited an enthusiasm that matched that of first graders who experience the headset tours. Principal Rowena Johnson presented an audio-visual overview of all the activities at Lamar.
Regarding state legislative changes, policies for firearms in the vehicle of a teacher were discussed. The legislative changes allow school policy to permit teachers to store a handgun in their locked vehicle. The policy allows for the weapon to be unloaded and the recommendation to the board is to delete “not loaded”.
In the 2016-2017 school year, SSISD provided services for 585 students of limited English proficiency. Bilingual and ESL Programs served 572 of these students.
Dan Froneberger will serve as one of two SSISD representatives on the Hopkins County Civic Center Board of Directors. He returns to the post for a second time and will serve the new term, January 1, 2018-December 31, 2020.
An agreement between the district and the Sulphur Springs Country Club will allow golf teams to use the course for practice and tournaments.
Reading at the Kindergarten level is a top priority for the local school district, according to Assistant Superintendent Kristin Monk. Monk reported on the various emphases on the Primary Education level. Josh Williams reported on the Secondary level.
Alexis Navarrette Purchasing Clerk Administration
Andrea Rodriguez Office Clerk ECLC
Sy Lucas Grade 1 Teacher Lamar Primary
Janlyn Therwhanger ESL Aide Middle School
Maci Newsom Government Teacher High School
New personnel
Alison Thompson Grade 1 Teacher Lamar Primary
Tobias Adams Special Ed Aide Middle School
Ruston Pennington Math Teacher High School