Chamber Connection Thursday December 28, 2017

Events Done Simply hosts their Ribbon Cutting on January 10th

Events Done Simply is hosting their ribbon cutting celebration on Thursday, January 10th at noon at the Chamber of Commerce, 300 Connally Street in Sulphur Springs.  Please come by to welcome this new business to Hopkins County!

Would you like to recognize an Outstanding Educator?

Here is your chance…this year the Chamber of Commerce Education Committee wants to allow all Hopkins County Citizens to nominate their candidates for “Outstanding Professional Educator” (Administrator, Counselor, Diagnostician, or Teacher) “Outstanding Para Professional Educator” (Secretary or Aide) and “Outstanding Auxiliary Educator” (Maintenance, Custodial, Transportation, Nurse or Cafeteria). We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to nominate that “special educator” that has had an impact in their lives.  You may pick up a nomination form at the Chamber office at 300 Connally Street and then either fax, e-mail or mail it in, no later than January 19th!  Our fax number is 903-885-6516, our e-mail address is [email protected], and our mailing address is also 300 Connally Street, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482.  Don’t miss this opportunity to recognize a special educator!

Nominations for Large and Small Business of the Year!

Please submit your nomination for Large Business of the Year or Small Business of the Year.  Nominations should be for those businesses which exhibit outstanding community involvement—civic, church, educational, benevolent, humanitarian or other. You may pick up a nomination form at the Chamber office at 300 Connally Street and either fax, e-mail or mail it in, no later than January 19th!  Our fax number is 903-885-6516, our e-mail address is [email protected] and our mailing address is 300 Connally Street, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482.

Joining the Chamber is such a wonderful boost for your business.  Have you been thinking about joining the Chamber but wondering what the benefits are?  Here are just a few of the reasons being a member of the Chamber of Commerce is helpful to you:

·       Listings in the Membership Directory with community history and profile (published annually)
·       One copy of the Membership Directory (free distribution to 7,000 people)
·       Chamber Online Directory Listing & mini website
·       Ribbon-cutting, Grand Opening & Anniversary Celebration promotion opportunities

·       Low cost education for businesses through Lunch + Learns and seminars

·       Business After Hours hosting opportunities
·       Certificates of Origin for international trade
·       Member-only opportunities for display space of printed materials at the Chamber of Commerce
·       Member-only opportunities for promotion distribution at Chamber-sponsored events
·       Weekly Chamber Connection publication
·       Partner-to-Partner discount program opportunities
·       Unlimited opportunities for business networking
·       Business advocacy at the local, county, state, and national levels
·       Credibility and visibility in the Hopkins County area
·       Advertising Opportunities in the Membership Directory
·       First-hand customer referrals

If you are ready to join or renew with the Chamber, give us a call!  We’d love to welcome you to the Chamber family!  Call Cathey, Vickie, or Lezley at (903) 885-6515 for more information.

Lezley Brown
Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce
300 Connally Street
Sulphur Springs, TX 75482

Author: Staff Reporter

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